Chapter One

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Evelyn Diana Ollivander was born with the moon in its last quarter. According to her grandfather, this meant she'd be an excellent witch, but then again he knew absolutely nothing about astrology.

She herself found nearly everything she did to be excellent, even exceptional on a really good day- and she had a lot of good days. She was, to all appearances, the perfect, logical Ravenclaw, but in the spirit of she true curiosity, also checked her horoscope rather religiously.

It was one of the first things she did that crisp December morning. Really, the day Evelyn was captured was much like any other.

She hadn't changed out of her boxing gear the night before, so she threw on a clean t-shirt as soon as she woke.

The Order had been hiding out in Grimmauld place for several months now, and though they trained long and hard in combative magic, she found nothing brought her the same satisfaction as drilling fist after fist into the leather bag in the attic. Any time something bothered her, it was all she wanted to do, and in war, there was plenty to irritate.

The first thing she thought about that morning was how tidy her room looked, rather at odds with the chaos of the rest of the house. Despite sharing with Luna and Ginny, she'd created a little sanctuary within the bustle of Headquarters, filled with books and crystals and quidditch posters and strange yellow radishes- an amalgamation of the three girls personalities. Evelyn's influence was enforcing the folding of clothes and making of beds every morning, which she did as she slid her feet into fluffy slippers.

The tapping on the tiny triangular window marked the arrival of the post owl, and with it, the days newspaper. She wasted no time undoing the latch, grabbing the paper and flipping straight to the horoscope section, shoving the rest of it towards Ginny.

The pages were a little damp with morning dew, sticking together slightly as Evelyn impatiently peeled them apart. She ignored the hoots of the post owl and the cold breeze rustling the hair around her face from the open window. Ah, there it was.

December 17th 1997. That was today.

Aries, March 20- April 19.
With Saturn in Aries, beware of lost opportunities or sudden conflict. Saturn
represents your hidden fears and desires, so be careful to keep yourself
contained until Saturn passes out of your sign.
You may meet a likeminded stranger today - put aside any differences and
reconcile with what you have in common.

Interesting. She didn't really think she had any hidden fears or desires, they all pretty much had the same fears these days. Her only real desire was that every deatheater that had ever done her wrong died a horrible violent death, but that was nothing new either.

As for the likeminded stranger, unless she met a cute muggle in a pub later that didn't seem particularly likely.

She sighed.

'Good morning to you too,' Ginny scoffed from where she lay, flipping through the rest of the paper.
'Morning Gin. Anything in the papers?'
'Just muggle news. Lots of excitement for Christmas I suppose.'

Luna sat up at the mention of Christmas.
'Ooh let's go Christmas shopping today. I completely forgot that was soon and I have to go visit father tomorrow. This is the last day we can do anything together.' Luna was, without a doubt, the only spot of brightness in the world of war. She was the one who kept their little trio from slipping into the darkness.

Ginny and Evelyn looked at eachother. They all knew how dangerous it was to venture beyond the confines of Grimmauld Place, either into the muggle world or to Diagon Alley. But with Harry, Ron and Hermione still gone, spirits were low and everyone in the house needed a morale boost, Ginny in particular. The two of them also knew making Luna happy was their top priority. She was the only one un-dulled, still with something of a spark in her eye, and she inspired the same in them.

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