Chapter Nine

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When Evelyn woke both beds beside hers were empty. The sun beamed down, alighting on the perfectly folded coverlets and kissing the tip of her nose. She blinked it off, the light still almost foreign to her. She looked at the clock. 8:01. Usually, neither of her roommates woke for another 20 minutes; it was highly unusual for Hera to be anything less than perfectly punctual. She shrugged it off, dressing quickly and heading up to breakfast.

The September air was warm, ripe with the fading smell of summer: long grass, dusty rain, and the familiar, lingering scent of parchment that pervaded the castle. A breeze ruffled her skirt as she passed the cloistered windows, the amaryllis outside bowing almost respectfully to her as the wind kissed them. The doors to the hall were wide open, the clatter of cutlery and laughter echoing through the corridor.

The boys were at their usual seats at the far end of the table, though neither of her roommates were present. Evelyn noted the empty space between Elias and Lestrange, smiling to herself as she realised it was for her. The instant she sat down Elias was pouring her orange soda, and the glazed cinnamon rolls quickly found their way in front of her.

'Lovely morning,' Black grinned, looking between the two of them. 'How did you two sleep?'

Elias laughed. 'Separately, if that's what you're asking. I noticed that blonde girl leave your bed this morning, though.' He raised an eyebrow in mock suspicion.

Orion shot a wink across the table, and the conversation changed but Evelyn turned back to him.

'What about Zara?' she frowned.

'Who?' He asked blankly, returning to pouring Malfoy a coffee.

Come to think of it, she didn't see Zara at the long yellow table, but she figured Transfiguration in a couple days would be a good time to ask what had happened. The flap of the post owls interrupted her thoughts, and with them entered Hera.

Her roommate looked perfect as ever. Not a hair was out of place, and today she wore a slightly cropped white button-up Evelyn was sure was considered 'scandalous' for the 40s. Indeed she attracted many an eye as she strode up to the rest of the group, particularly those of Lestrange. Malfoy seemed to notice this and tossed her a grey quidditch jersey, insisting she 'cover up immediately.'

Evelyn laughed at their arguing, starting slightly as a Prophet fell into Riddle's lap across from her. She leaned across the table. 'Can I have the horoscope section?'

'You believe in that nonsense?' He asked derisively, but he passed her the pages, avoiding looking at her. 'You know Rebekah, the woman who writes that rubbish, is the divination teacher here?'

She gasped. As an astrology fanatic she knew of the Trelawny line, descended from the original Cassandra. Divination was later that week, and frankly she was quite excited to meet one of her witching idols: Rebekah was relatively well known in her time for having introduced the Placidus system into popular circulation.

Elias took the paper from her as Riddle turned to peruse the rest of the paper. 'Shall I read it to you, m'lady?'

She nodded, and he began with an important cough.

'Septembah 4th, 1943. Aries should seize any opportunities thrown at them this week! Love is in the air for many, particularly for beautiful dark haired young women with a weakness for blue eyes.'

'Elias!' she laughed. 'It does not say that!'

He brushed her off, hiding the paper from her. 'It does too! The stars say beautiful dark haired ladies should accept the offer of dates with handsome blue eyed men.' A flush stole over his face as he spoke.

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