Chapter 19: Fallen city part II

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A/N: I was down with a cold and experiencing COVID like symptoms so I've been off work this week and I got my test done last night so I should know my results by tomorrow. So story wise, there will be a main character death, just a heads up.

(Normal pov)

"Did I not tell you that you should run?"

Thora, Atali, and their group of warriors looked back to Harald Forkbeard who was still in a battle stance and simply waited for the gate behind him to come crashing down. A large portion of the gate was battered down, and out from the breach came Mongrel warriors who unleashed battle cries as they rushed past Harald and engaged the small group of Vikings and Wingmaidens protecting the entrance to the Scandinavian capital.

Releasing a barbaric cry, Thora used her war hammer to break a Mongrel's jaw clean off their face and then grabbed that Mongrel by the throat and hurled them into more that was charging her. Atali whirled a spear in her hand as she blocked several attacks thrown in her direction, she thrust her spear through a Mongrel's stomach and then drove her weapon through another enemy's mouth. "Thora! We must hold that gate!" Atali barked out over the mayhem, the large Viking woman looked to the gate and saw another large chunk of it being battered down; allowing more foreign warriors to pour in and join their companions in killing them. Despite their best efforts to hold the line, the Mongrel's numbers were too great, and they were quickly overwhelming Thora and Atali's group. To make matters worse, the gate had now fallen and hordes of Mongrels charged through the now open gate.

"There are too many!!" One of Atali's Wingmaidens cried out in urgency.

"Fall back!" Thora boomed out, the small group didn't need to be told twice as they ran for their lives while Mongrel warriors pursued them and charged into the city.

Harald turned around was greeted by Nikora, Eir, and the high ranking Mongrel's and their bodyguards. Gesturing to the city around them, Harald smirked and spoke. "Welcome to Denmark," he then inquired, "shall we reduce this city into ash?" Nikora and Eir nodded and they led the charge into the city the heart of the Viking capital to rip out its heart.

Today the Mongrel Tribe would deliver a crippling blow to the Scandinavian Empire.

(Hiccup's pov)

Mongrel warriors were everywhere and they were slaughtering everyone and anything in their path— Viking or dragon.

And the sight of this butchery made my blood burn hotter than the sun. Large numbers of Mongrels laid eyes on me and recognized me and soon drew their weapons and advanced, I let out an enraged roar and transformed into my draconic form and slaughtered them all without compassion or mercy; ripping limbs off their bodies with ease, tearing out their throats, or reducing them to ash with my plasma. The aftermath of such slaughter left me bathed in blood and gore, I returned to my human state and panted heavily as I looked around at the sight of my city being destroyed-- flames consuming buildings, armored dragons that were enslaved by the enemy raining fire from above, and...

Oh gods, no!

Blood-curdling screams filled my ears as I saw hordes of rats that carried the very same plague that killed Heather and my unborn child so many years ago, these rats overpowered anyone in their line of sight and devoured them until there was nothing left but blood and bone. As these vermin charged me, my eyes turned into slits, my veins burned with crimson fire, and I unleashed a primal roar as I unleashed a repulse of plasma that incinerated the horde of rats that leaped at me; turning them into dust.


Turning around, I laid eyes on Thora, Atali, Mala and her Defenders with blood-stained weapons in hand. "These... These rats are everywhere and killing everything in sight," Mala said in a shaken tone, "not only that, but the main gate has fallen, and our enemy is quickly boxing us in. We're trapped."

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