• Chapter Five •

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• Third Person Pov •

Kenny finally manages to find his boyfriend sitting on the bathroom floor sobbing. Craig had locked the door but Kenny always steals his sisters hair pins to pick locks.

Kenny locks the door again and walks over to Craig. He sits down next to the raven haired boy. Craig wipes his tears away before looking up at Kenny.

"You ok?" Kenny asks. Craig looks at the ground.

"Were you embarrassed?" He asks quietly.
"What?" Kenny asks, surprised at the question.
"Were you embarrassed of me, were you embarrassed of kissing me?" Craig asks agin, louder this time.

Kenny sighs and hugs Craig. "Ofcourse not hon it's just......Cartmans a dick and I was mad that he outed you without permission." Kenny explains. He kisses the top of Craig's head.

"Mk..." Craig mumbles.

"Alright now c'mon!" Kenny says while picking up Craig bridle style.
"Kenny McCormick what the fuck are you doing?!" Craig yelps and Kenny laughs.
"Carrying your lazy ass to class." Kenny replies.

Time Skip After School

Finally school was over. It wasn't the slight homophobia, the outing of the picture or the overwhelming support from the girls that made Kenny think this.

He thought this because finally he gets to relax! Having Stan and Kyle as superheroes now was very handy, he didn't have to go out every night because the other two always went out to fight crime together and they seemed to enjoy it a lot more than Kenny.

The walk home was quite long considering Kenny's house was on the very outskirts of town but it was a peaceful walk.

When Kenny arrives at his house, he opened the unlocked door and stepped inside. He saw his parents but decided to ignore them.

He got to his bedroom and dumped his school bag. He lay down on his bed and sighed in relief. Finally, some real rest.

T'was a short chapter but deal with it.

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