• Chapter Eight •

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• Third Person •
Craig, Clyde and Token were hanging at Craig's house watching Terrence and Phillip when the Tv flickered. "What the fuck?" Craig mumbles as his Tv glitches.

Finally, it settles on the view of an arm with foil covering it. The three boys looked at the Tv with confused faces. A voice of a young child sounded through the camera. "Uh, actually the camera is already on." The child said.

"Oh." Says the person with the foil arm and their posture droops in embarrassment. He quickly fixes himself up and faces the camera. He stands next to a chair someone is sitting- "SHIT." Craig exclaims loudly but quickly covers his mouth.

"People of South Park! I am Professor Chaos with my trusty assistant General Disarray and I have your hero hostage." Next to Professor Chaos was Kenny ( in his Mysterion outfit ) ties to a chair.

"But do not fret, I will not do anything to harm him." Professor  Chaos states with a mischievous grin and only a hint of hesitation on his face. "I only plan to unmask him~" he says and moves his hand to Kenny's face.

Kenny struggles in an attempt to resist but it's too late, Butters takes his mask off. "I still don't know who that is." Clyde says with a small shake of his head.

"You know that barley anybody has seen my full face or heard my real voice?" Kenny asks Professor Chaos. A look of realisation flashes across the villains face. "Doubt my parents even recognise me." Oof, that made Craig cringe. That's kind of sad.

"Oh well...." Professor Chaos mumbles. "This! Your Hero! Is Kenny McCormick  a nine year old boy from my class at South Park elementary!" Professor Chaos announces.

Kennn looks slightly startled but fires back with "And Professor Chaos is Butters Stotch, a ten year old innocent ass boy. His parents might want to ground him for five full weeks." Kenny says.

A look of fear flashes in the villains face. "T-turn off the camera." Butters says and the Tv turns black.

"Woah...." Clyde said with a look of amazement on his face. "Mysterion is your boyfriend?" Clyde asks looking at Craig. "Clyde!" Token growls in disappointment. "What?" Clyde pouts. "He was just masked on Tv and that's all your worried about?!" Token says.

"Both of you shut up!" Craig yells. "We have to help him." Craig says.
"Sorry." Clyde says with tears in his eyes.

"Don't you dare cry!" Craig says pointing a finger at Clyde. Craig instantly regretted that because Clyde started crying. Craig sighed and rolled his eyes but Token looked slightly sympathetic for Clyde.

Suddenly Craig had an idea

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm so fucking tired and I was grounded for like a week.

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