• Chapter Nine •

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- can I just say that Craig's plan is basic as F#ck..
Third Person •
Craig's plan was super simple. It helped that the trio knew where the shed was. Butters had been super proud of some shed and decided to show them it, Ofcourse he didn't show the inside though.

The shed required a key but knowing butters it would be behind the suspicious looking plant next to the shed door.

The plan was to steal the key, open the door and sneak Kenny out. Clyde tried to redeem himself from earlier by mocking Craig's plan but Craig just kept flipping him off.

So the plan was set into action. It didn't take long for the boys to ride down to the little sort of alley with all of the sheds. Butters shed was easy to find because of the plant and guess what? Craig was right, a golden key sat glimmering behind the plant.

He slid the key into the lock and twisted it until the lock unlatched. Craig slid the door open with a bit of difficulty. The door squeaked open and Craig peered through.

It felt like a walk in the park. Kenny was conscious so they easily untied him and got him out of the chair. That was until the door of the shed shut.

Clyde tried to open it but there was no luck. Clyde grit his teeth in a weird face of frustration. "Ha ha ha, you didn't think it would be that easy did you?" Butter's voice boomed menacingly over the speakers.

Token groaned in annoyance and rested his head on the wall. Kenny looked mad and flipped off a security camera in the corner of the room.

"..." it was silent.

Suddenly the door to the shed opened. There stood Kyle with Stan clinging onto his shoulder for dear life and bandages wrapped around his torso.

"Holy shit what happened?" Kenny asked in surprise of the severity of the wound in Stans stomach.

"I got shot." Stan said.

Kenny gave Kyle a weird look. Kyle sighed. "I tried to tell him that he should stay in hospital but he insisted.." Kyle said trailing off.

"Haha, simp." Clyde teases with a smirk on his face but Kyle just flips him off. "Shut the fuck up."

"Now can we please go? This hurts and I wanna go to bed...." Stan complains.

All of the boys walk out of the shed.

When they were walking back, Kenny and Craig trailed behind at the back with Clyde and Token in the middle of the group and Stan and Kyle at the front.

"Damn, now your like my knight and shining armour." Kenny says with a smirk while looking at Craig.

Craig giggled a little ( =0 Ikr, Craig giggled?? ). "What did I do? Get three more people trapped??" Craig asks.

Kenny slings his arm over his boyfriends shoulder. "You tried and that's all I can ask for." He says while booping Craig's nose.

Craig cringed. "Don't ever do that again." Kenny laughed and then kissed Craig on the cheek. "Is that better?" He asks and Craig doesn't answer but pink blush dusted his cheeks. Kenny giggled. "I'll take that as a yes."

The End

- oh you probably don't care but I'm dressing up as Kenny for Halloween even though that is MONTHS away. I'll also do some Kenny cosplay on tik tok once I get the orange jumper. I'll put my tik tok in this acc somewhere when I do get the hoodie.

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