• Chapter Six •

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third person Pov •

Kenny lay in his bed wide awake. It was 10:30pm and he just couldn't sleep. He felt as if something was going to go wrong, he just felt it.

He was sweating even in the cold and his mouth was as dry as a desert. He was also extremely tired having not slept all afternoon . Yes, he'd had the feeling all afternoon.

Just then, his phone rang. Kenny quickly picks up and holds the phone to his ear. "Hello?" He asks into the phone.

"Hey Kenny, it's Kyle, Stan got badly injured by some stupid weirdos on the streets. I'm staying with him in hospital, could you fill in for us while we're here?" Kyle asks.

Kenny's heart drops. One night of rest is over. "Can't you just leave him there and complete the night on your own?" Kenny asks. The phone goes silent for at least a minute.

"I......I don't know dude..it doesn't feel right to just leave him here. Especially when I think that I could've prevented this since I was right there." Kyle answers.

Kenny sighs. Kyle has a point and Kenny doesn't want to put extra guilt into Kyles mind by sending him out while Stan was hurt.

"Ok......fine..." Kenny answers.

"Thanks dude." Kyle says and hangs up the phone.

This was going to be a long night for Kenny.

Time Skip

At this rate, Kenny has lost track of the amount of times he almost fell asleep and nearly fell of the roof. There was no fights at the moment but if there were to be, Kenny's fighting would be sloppy.

This wasn't good.

Currently, Kenny was perched on top of a supermarket listening out for trouble. The streets were unusually quiet, it was as if everything had just stopped and moved out the way for something bigger and Kenny couldn't push that feeling aside.

Since the streets were so quiet, Kenny decided to go on a casual wonder. Yes, he was in his Mysterion costume but nobody except for sketchy teens were out at this time of night.

Kenny didn't know exactly where he was going. He was just walking around with his head hanging. He was so fucking tired right now.

What was the harm in just sitting down for a while hey?

Kenny propped himself up against a grey concrete wall and sat there. Sitting there quickly changed to, he fell asleep.

Time Skip

Kenny's eyes fluttered open. It was dark everywhere, only the faint outline of objects were visible to him. He was most definitely not where he fell asleep.

"Ah, You're awake." Said a voice. Well, the voice was unmistakably Butter's voice but he was trying to contort it. Kenny grunted when he tried to move but restraints held him to the chair.

"Butter's, I know that's you." Kenny says in his deep Mysterion voice. There was a long pause before Butter's replied. "And I know that's you Kenny so no need to do the voice."

That's when Kenny realises that his hood is off along with his mask. "Shit.." Kenny curses under his breath.
"I'm not that dumb Kenny, I can take a mask and hood off." Butter's said.

Honestly, Kenny found this version of butter's intimidating. He was confident, serious and mature, basically the opposite of the regular Butters.

Kenny frowned. "Why did you take me here?" He asks looking around now that his eyes had adjusted to the darkness. It was a mess of a place, boxes everywhere and stools tipped over.

"Why am I here?" Kenny asks in a growl. This whole thing was beginning to get on his nerves. "Well, some anonymous person told me to uh 'take you down' I guess so....."The question has obviously caught Butter's off gaurd and he accidentally slipped back into his natural anxious state.

"To put it simply, I'm going to unmask you." Butters said, getting serious again.

"YOU'RE GONNA WHAT?!" Kenny yelled furiously. He was beyond mad at this point. Kenny could practically feel the Butter's flinch when he raised his voice. Kenny actually felt bad for Butter's.

"Y-you heard me!" Butter's says trying to sound tough. "I'll unmask you! That's what I'll do!" Butters redeemed himself quickly.

"Now let's get you ready..."

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