• Chapter Seven •

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• Third Person •
This was beyond anything Kenny had expected from Butter's of all people. Definitely not his usual motives, he's usually trying to end the world in some stupidly innocent way.

Kenny struggles with his restraints while butters sets up a video camera. He then walks up to Kenny and masks him again ( for dramatics ).

Kenny tried to kick butters but the restrains hold him back. The look on Butter's face was one of discomfort, he was obviously not fully agreeing with the morals in what he was doing.

"General disarray." Butters motions to a small red haired kindergartener. At a large computer. If anything, Kenny was quite impressed, it was a nice set up for a ten year old and a small child.

"As soon as I turn this camera on we will be connected to all of south parks tv screens." Butters says with an evil looking grin.

"Uh, actually the camera is already on." General dissaray states and butters blinked confusedly. "Oh." He said and turned to the camera.

"People of South Park!" Butters announced. "I am professor chaos, here with my trusty assistant general disarray and we have your hero hostage!"

- short but still, I'm writing again at least :>

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