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Jenny couldn't understand why Jenna wasn't answering her phone or why no one was next door. It wasn't until Damon knocked on her door that she understood.

        "Hey," she smiled slightly at her blue-eyed friend when she opened the door but she quickly saw the guilt on his face.

         "What's wrong?" Jenny asked.

          Damon struggled to find the strength to tell her, "It's about Jenna."

          Jenny caught the tone in his voice and the look in his eyes, pity. It was what everyone used when her father died and realization of what Damon was going to say popped into her head.

           "No," she shook her head as tears came to her eyes. "She was just over here...no. It's not true."

           "It is," he admitted.

            Her lip wobbled as she stared Damon in the eyes. She wanted him to be lying, to be playing some horrible prank but it was the truth. And she just stood there in shock.

              "Jen..." he went to comfort her but she snapped at him. "No."

             "She's not gone," she uttered angrily at Damon like he was lying because it couldn't possibly be true but she slowly started to sob. "She's not gone..."

          Her knees gave out from underneath her and she fell to the floor in her grief while she kept muttering 'she's not gone' through her sobs.


Jenny and Jenna sat in a cap and gown at their high school graduation. They both decorated their caps. On Jenny's was Thing 1 and Jenna's was Thing 2 with a red background. It was fitting as many teachers and students called them the twins even if they weren't really related.

         After they graduated, they spent the whole summer together before Jenny had to leave. An out of state college was separating them.

          "We're not going to be those high school friends that stop talking to each other, are we?" Jenny questioned the day before she left.

            "We're Thing 1 and Thing 2, remember?" Jenna smiled. "You can't get rid of me."

           "Promise?" Jenny held up her ring finger on her right hand that contained their friendship ring.

             "Promise," Jenna wrapped her ring finger around hers; it was their form of a pinky promise.

              And they were two best friends that made it through the distance. They never stopped talking to each other. They were truly best friends for life...if only life wasn't so short.


      Jenny Stevens and Jenna Sommers were instant friends. Looking back, some would call the connection fate or tragedy; perhaps, they were the same.

They'd been friends for nearly fifteen years. They were there for each other always, making up for the time when they didn't know the other existed. But the time for their friendship was over.

Even though neither of them spoke about it, they both had the idea that not even death could tear them apart; death would simply take them both because they were the type of friends that were inseparable.

But this was the reality: Jenna Sommers died and death left Jenny Stevens behind.

She was young and she had so many more memories to make. Many of them were supposed to include her best friend like the maid of honor at her wedding and having their kids play with each other. Maybe their kids would have fallen in love, and instead of best friends, they would have been family by law. They would've grown old talking about their grandkids. But it was all just a fantasy because fate or tragedy (perhaps, they were the same) decided death was alright.

But losing her best friend didn't seem alright. It didn't seem alright at all.


        Jenny held herself together at the funeral for Elena and Jeremy. She'd found out later that John had died, too. Damon told her it was animal attacks. But after the funeral, when everyone retired to the Gilbert residence except Damon, Jenny stayed at the grave site.

        She sat in front of the tombstone with her legs folded beneath her. She was silent for a long time as all her memories of Jenna flowed through her mind. Silent tears fell down her face before she spoke, "We were supposed to go out together."

         "What am I supposed to do without you?" Jenny questioned into the void as many more tears filled the silence.

           "I'll keep an eye out for Elena and Jeremy," Jenny attempted to wipe the tears from her eyes. "You d-don't have to worry, Jenna. You don't have to worry anymore."

         She got up and slowly walked away. Damon walked beside her and she let him wrap an arm around her shoulders. He didn't want her to feel anymore pain but the werewolf bite on his arm reminded him that wasn't possible.

           Jenny Stevens lost her best friend, she didn't know she might lose another, and she wasn't full of sunlight today. Today she was rain and clouds and she wasn't sure when they would go away.


            The next day she was moping around and Damon visited her. He seemed so...sad and that was odd for Damon.

          "Jen, I'm sorry."

           She furrowed her eyebrows, "For what?"

            "For everything," Damon said. "For being in your life."

             "Well, I'm not," Jenny argued. "Damon, you're my friend and I love you. Whatever you're trying to apologize for, I forgive you."

           Damon smiled momentarily before he stood up and kissed her on the forehead. He was going to miss her in Hell if there was one because there was no way he was getting into Heaven.

            "Thank you," he stared at her like he was memorizing her before he left. Damon just didn't know that there was a cure for a werewolf bite.

AN: I'd like to point out some TVD changes that happened because of Jenny even if she doesn't know about them.
1) Damon didn't give Elena his blood but Damon did still save Caroline and Tyler which is why Klaus chose Jenna
2) So Elena took the elixir
3) But they didn't trust the elixir so John gave his life and that's why he died too

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