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There was a certain attraction between them as they talked. She would find herself glancing at him and he would glance at her. She is beautiful, he thought. He is beautiful, she thought. No, it was not love at first sight, but there was an instant gravitation towards each other.

He wanted to know her in every way she would allow him. Her smile filled him with a certain warmth inside, like she was a light that offered him a reprieve from the darkness. It was only a moment they shared, but he was already addicted to her presence.

Jenny wasn't in love with him, she hardly knew him, but it was possible to love something about someone with just one day of knowing them. Jenny loved how Elijah was a complete gentleman. He made her believe that chivalry wasn't dead and she adored him for it.

He opened the car door for her once they arrived they arrived at her house. He brought her home. It was late and the sun was about to disappear from the horizon.

He closed the car door after she exited and they held a close proximity to each other standing outside of his car. She looked up at him, giving him a wide smile, "Elijah, you are by far the most interesting person I've met."

"You are by far the most genuine, Jenny," he reached out, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

She got nervous then, and bit her lip, "May we meet again."

Elijah tucked his hands in his pockets as she walked away from him. The sound of his voice made her stop, "How about tomorrow?"

She turned around with a toothed smile coming to her face. She felt like her heart might be beat out of her chest from the idea of another meeting between them.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You tell me," Elijah stated.

"Coffee, tomorrow morning," Jenny said, walking backwards. "I will call you tomorrow before so you won't be late."

Jenny turned around and walked up to the porch of his house. Elijah looked after, a small smile on his face, until she disappeared inside her house. He looked down and sighed. He shook his head, wondering what he was doing being distracted.


Jenny, of course, told everything to Jenna. Jenna gushed how she had found the man of every woman's dreams. Jenny thought her best friend was being ridiculous; of course, Elijah was charming and well-groomed, but he was so careful with his words as if he might reveal something he shouldn't. He had secrets.

But her best friend was right about one thing: she was already infatuated with the man. His secrets didn't matter to her and they wouldn't for quite some time. She just wanted to know him and he wanted to know her. So, she sat waiting for him to meet her in the morning in this little coffee shop.

He was late.

He had considered bailing on their plans, he had every intention to. It just simply wasn't right to get involved with her. But then he started thinking about how they made these present plans and how there could be future plans. He allowed himself hope for the future and the possibility of happiness; he walked into that coffee shop late but he was there.

And when he spotted her waiting at a table, she spotted him as well. She smiled and it took his breath away. He walked over to her and sat down across from her.

"I apologize for my tardiness," he spoke first, looking into her eyes so she'd know he was sincere.

"All is forgiven," she answered.

"Tell me about yourself, Jenny," he stated, speaking slower over her name.

"Aren't you going to order something?" she questioned.

"I didn't come here for the coffee," Elijah was forward and she bit her lip.

They stared at each other for a moment before she started speaking, "I want to be a writer one day."

"Why aren't you now?"

"The right idea hasn't hit me yet," she answered. "And I love kids which is why I'm a teacher. I don't know if I would ever give it up."

Pain flickered across his face for an instant before disappearing. He had already failed her and he hadn't even begun to try; he could never give her children. She was happy now, but he'd only take that happiness away if she were to be with him.

"And what about you?" she questioned, bringing a fisted hand to rest against her cheek as she lazily stirred the small straw in her coffee. "Did you always want to be a writer?"

"It came with many years of practice," his words weren't a lie, technically. "But I did always enjoy history. This particular writing I'm doing now has special meaning."

"How so?"

"I was born in this town. It used to be my home," Elijah smiled back at the memories before everything turned horribly wrong.

"You lived here? I don't remember you and I've been here all my life," she questioned, curiosity about the man's mysterious depths of the past rising up.

"I moved when I was quite young," he said the word like it had a double meaning.

Before she could question the double meaning, the waitress came and sidled up next to the their table. She drawled out, "Can I get you anything, sir?"

Elijah looked at her, becoming tense, as if he had been relaxed a few seconds before. Elijah put out that charming smile, though, "No, thank you."

"Are you sure? I can get you anything...," the waitress traveled closer to Elijah.

Elijah looked up at her and she could have sworn she saw his eyes dilate, "Some peace and quiet would be nice."

"Peace and quiet coming right up," and she walked away.

Her eyebrows furrowed at the trance-like state the girl responded in. Before she could ask, the alarm on her watch went off. She turned it off before looking at him, "That's my cue for work."

"The same time?" he questioned. "Tomorrow?"

Jenny smiled and it made him relax again, "Tomorrow."

Jenny-Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now