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      Summer break was nearly over.

      Two more months had passed since her birthday. She had a long, sober, chat with Damon. She had felt terrible for any sort of leading him on in her drunken state but he didn't blame her; he felt like he should've been the better man that night instead of taking advantage of her but he felt he always did the wrong thing.

       In the end, they both agreed to only be friends. Although, she wasn't quite sure if that was what Damon really wanted. She was too scared to ask, afraid to break his heart.


          Now, today was Elena's birthday and she knew Jenna would want her to be there for the young girl now the age of an adult. That's why she went next door early in the morning.

            She had knocked on the door and Alaric opened it. She smiled as she walked in, "Hey Alaric."

          He smiled back. He was used to letting her in. She always checking up on Jeremy and Elena but she always wound up checking up on him, too, her heart too big not to.

          His eyes caught on to what was in her arms, "Are those cupcakes?"

          "Yes, it's Elena's birthday," she said just as the girl of the day came down the stairs.

            Elena froze at the bottom of the stairs as she saw the cupcakes and she knew what was coming. It was a look of horror, "No."

            "Yes," Jenny argued, grabbing Elena's hand and dragging the girl to the kitchen. "Jeremy Gilbert, get downstairs right now!"

             Elena and Alaric were surprised when immediately rushed steps were heard coming down the stairs. In their surprise, Jenny took a cupcake out, putting a candle in it and lighting it.

          "What are we doing?" Jeremy asked as he came around the corner before he saw the lit cupcake in her hands.

          Jeremy smiled as he teased, "Are we singing happy birthday?"

           "No," Elena had red cheeks lit up in embarrassment. "I'm too old for this."

          "Nonsense, Elena," Jenny said before starting the song. "Now..."

          Jeremy put an arm around his sister's shoulders as he all too gladly sang happy birthday, loving how embarrassed she was. Alaric sang it half-heartedly, feeling like he was intruding on a family moment. Elena had her arms crossed and she acted like she didn't love it but she had a small smile on her face as the truth was that Jenny made her feel like she was still apart of a family; like it wasn't broken.

          When the singing stopped, Jenny held the cupcake up, "Now, make a wish."

          Elena sighed and blew out the candle, making a wish that Stefan would come back to her. Jenny took out the candle and handed the cupcake to Elena, "Red velvet. Your favorite."

           Elena smiled and gently grabbed it. Alaric worked his way around the kitchen to make coffee. Jeremy squeezed Elena before he let her go, "I have to get to work but have a great day, Elena."

           Elena watched him go before she turned her head back around, seeing Jenny slide a small black box to her. She furrowed her eyebrows as she set her cupcake down to grab the box.

          "Jenny, you didn't have to get me anything," Elena said.

           "I didn't," Jenny explained. "Damon found it and said Stefan had given it to you before. I figured you'd want it back."

Jenny-Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now