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Jenny Stevens grew up without a mother.

When she was a young girl, she didn't have a smile on her face all the time. She would see other kids embracing their mothers and be depressed that she didn't have hers. She was told her mother had died so that she could live. Her mother died in childbirth.

Her mother had once been told she couldn't have kids. Through a miracle, she got pregnant, but it was at the age of forty-nine. Being at that age and the fact she wasn't supposed to have kids in the first place , she didn't make it through the strenuous job of giving birth.

Jenny remained saddened by the absence of her mother until her father told her at the age of ten something she would never forget: There's no point in frowning. You're alive, aren't 'cha?

Jenny didn't frown after that. Her mouth might've gone into a straight line sometimes, but she never frowned. Her father wasn't her idol or her hero, he was her father and she held him in higher regard than any idol or hero she could ever have. So when he told her that, she listened.

She became the girl with the smile on her face.

People thought it was a phase. There was no way someone could be happy every moment of their lives. But there Jenny was proving everyone wrong. She smiled and smiled, and she never stopped. She went from the girl with the smile on her face to the woman with the smile on her face.

Through college, through her career of being a teacher, her smile never faltered. But then her father died. She came back home and she was seen without a smile. She cried and frowned for a long while; she was beyond the point of sadness. The person she cared about most just got ripped away from her.

But her father wouldn't want her to keep expressing sadness for him and she didn't plan on letting him down. She was her father's daughter, his happy girl, and she would continue to be, even though he was dead.

Her father's death made her smile falter, but it made other things happen as well. It made her come back home to Mystic Falls which was both a blessing and a curse. The curse hadn't revealed itself quite yet, but the blessing had. She was reunited with her best friend, Jenna Sommers.

Their similar names were the reason they had met. In freshman year of high school, they had a homeroom class comprised of students based on last name. They sat at their assigned desks, also based on last name, which put them one in front of the other. When the teacher called their names for attendance, they looked at each other, surprised by how similar their names were and they smiled, starting the beginning of their friendship.

Jenny and Jenna worked great as friends as they balanced each other out. They were opposites as Jenna liked to go out and party with alcohol or the occasional drugs whereas Jenny liked to stay at home reading books or doing homework. Jenna got Jenny to experience other aspects of life where Jenny pulled Jenna back from pushing herself to extremes in the party-filled life.

Now that Jenny and Jenna were out of high school, their friendship worked differently. Jenny had gone to to a college out of state whereas Jenna attended Whitmore College very close to their hometown. Part of the reason Jenna stayed at home was because she was dating Logan Fell and she thought she was in love.

Jenny had completed her schooling, obtaining a bachelor's degree in the area of education and had gotten a job teaching high school English close to the college she attended. It was a year after that, that her father died and she came back home. She got a job teaching at the local high school in Mystic Falls and she stayed in the house she grew up in because it was payed off and it would be cheaper.

Since Jenny's return, she was reunited with Jenna. Whenever they both had free time, the two best friends would be with each other, talking about the current events in their life. When the holidays came up, Jenna and Jenny spent them together going to the Gilbert house which was the house next door. The house had been built next to hers about two decades ago. Grayson Gilbert had picked the lot out, and it just happened to be a coincidence that Jenna's sister, Miranda, had married him.

Jenny was practically like family to the Gilbert's. Jenny and Jenna babysat little Elena and little Jeremy quite often when they were teenagers. When the Gilbert's had family night, a tradition she found out still continued when she came back, Jenna made sure to have Jenny there with her as they were like twins and always joined at the hip.

Two years after she returned, Logan Fell had cheated on Jenna and Jenny enjoyed punching his face. Honor your partner, her father always said and that was something he was true to even when her mother died. He never moved on, and so she was disgusted with Logan Fell.

Jenny comforted Jenna as she left her apartment for a couple days and stayed at Jenny's house until she felt a bit better. Jenna then re-enrolled at Whitmore College, not wanting to step foot into Mystic Falls in case she saw Logan's face, and threw herself into her academics, majoring in psychology this time, instead of real estate.

It was two years after this, that tragedy struck and forced Jenna back to Mystic Falls. Jenna's sister and brother-in-law had died in a car accident over Wickery Bridge. Elena had been in the car, but survived, luckily. The girl was like a niece to Jenny even if they weren't related.

Jenna was now tasked with taking care of Elena and Jeremy, her sister's children. She lived in the Gilbert house, her sister's house, and tried to be the best guardian she could be to Elena and Jeremy. Jenna had become more mature with this very large task, but she was still scatterbrained and she often forgot things which was where Jenny always helped.

Since Jenna now lived in the Gilbert house next door, mail had gotten mixed up too many times to count; their similar names being the problem. They had to go through each other's mail each time just to make sure there wasn't a mishap. But Jenna often forgot to check the mail, that being something she didn't have to do on a regular basis before. So Jenny would often be the savior and bring the mail to Jenna.

It had been almost a year now after Miranda and Grayson Gilbert died and Jenna was still scatterbrained about the mail. Jenny taught English at the high school and she had Elena in one of her elective English classes, a poetry class. Jeremy was a sophomore and she didn't teach any of the sophomore classes, so she only saw Jeremy in the halls sometimes or when she would come over to Gilbert house to see Jenna which was nearly every day.

Jenny noticed Elena's dropping attendance that had started at the beginning of the school year and it only got worse, but for some reason she didn't question it. It was odd. Jenna would ask her how Elena was doing, and every time she attempted to say something about it, the only thing that came out of her mouth was that Elena was doing fine.

But many odd things happened to the town since the start of the school year. Zachariah Salvatore had left town. Vicki Donavan died. Logan Fell returned and tried to win Jenna back, which Jenny protested against, and then he mysteriously disappeared. There were a lot of animal attacks. Grayson Gilbert's old medical practice burned down and the Mayor had died from the fire.

This town that was usually very boring had suddenly become a hotspot of unfortunate events. She thought it was unusual and that there was something causing all the tragedies other than what was told to her by the authorities.

She never would've guessed vampires.

AN: So I'm not 100 percent sure what was told to the town about what happened to the characters I mentioned like Vicki or Logan Fell but I think I'm pretty close. I'm too lazy to look it up since it's something so minor, but I know animal attacks was said a lot.

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