-Chapter 21-

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A/N: To the people who asked for an update...Your wish has been granted. Plus we have a longer chapter today, with more view on a new ship. Enjoy!

Third Person POV:

Skeppy, seated against a tree, a slight frown worn on his face, sighed. Anybody could see the obvious cogs turning in his brain. You could say he was confused and wanted answers to the many questions, he had wondering in his mind.

Who was that guy?

Why did Techno choose to go after him, instead of staying with his childhood bestfriend?


Was that guy...Techno's...Techno's lover or something?

Oh my goodness...

"I didn't know Techno had the social capabilities to love somebody, even talking to someone was beyond Technoblade's abilities." Skeppy thought.

"Are you okay?" A voice, sweet as honey, rang in the air, interrupting his thoughts. The raven-haired looked up, chocolate brown eyes meeting green. The anonymous male had light brown hair, soft green eyes, lips formed into a thin line, and the outfit of a royal palace worker, covering a plain black shirt.

"I'm fine...Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm a palace worker. My name's bad, what's yours?"

"Skeppy, my name's Skeppy. Nice to meet you?"

"Nice to meet you too. So are you a  new worker or something?"

"I'm leaning more on the something."

The two exploded in a muffled fit of quiet giggles, only heard between the two of them. Maybe Skeppy didn't mind Techno leaving anymore...


Dream was glancing around the market, walking from stand to stand...Hoping for a slight glimpse of George. When suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm, stopping him from going further. He looked behind, his green irises, hidden behind the smiling mask, meeting familiar hazel ones.


"How do you know my name?"

"Everybody knows your name, prince Wilbur?" Dream responded, internally cursing himself for answering much quicker than a normal person would have. But then again he wasn't really the typical normal person.

I mean which normal person hides who they are from their former bestfriend...

"No need for formalities...Dream." Wilbur's voice rang in his ears and the prince smirked, while Dream's eyes widened.

"How-How do you know?" Dream asked, voice hinting a slight glimpse of surprise.

"You don't really hide it very well."

"Oh shut up," both of them laughed happily, just like old times. Maybe it could be like old times...maybe, just maybe, Dream could go back to their family and be embraced like he was used to.

"Anyway come with me, we got to talk." Dream gave a slight hum in agreement, already following the taller. The walk back to the castle was rather silent, little to no chatter was heard and Dream realized that of course things wouldn't go back to normal. The silence, he usually enjoyed, was deafening.

Wilbur slowed down as they reached the front gate, beside him, Dream gulped.

What did Wilbur want to talk about?

If he knows does Techno know too?

Oh god...

Wilbur walked past the garden, past the dinning and living room, past the library, and straight into his room, Dream close behind. The taller shut the door and faced Dream who was shuffling awkwardly, his gaze shifting to the carpet. When the blond finally looked at him, Wilbur gestured towards the window sill.

Dream glanced behind and smiled. The pillows and cushions that covered the window seat were still in place like how they were when the group was younger. He seated himself, Wilbur doing the same across from him. Dream remembered how Wilbur would play some songs on his guitar for him, both of their younger selves sitting right where they were. The both of them looked out the window, overseeing roses and a river, sparkles reflecting off the crystal blue water.

"Why are you hiding?"

The blond averted Wilbur's eye.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. Why are you hiding away, behind that mask? Why are you hiding your name, your identity? Why were you hiding from us? Aren't we family?"

Dream stayed silent, but he obviously tense at the words 'family'. Would they even consider him family anymore?

"So...Tell me...Why are you hiding?"

"Because-Because I'm scared..." Wilbur's breathing hitched, he wasn't expecting such an answer from his old friend.

"I'm scared...Scared that you don't care...Scared that you forgot."

We always care for you...We could never forget you, Dream...

"Scared that Techno hates me. That you, guys, hate me."

He would never...Nor would we...

"Scared because I wish...Wish I came back earlier. Came back home, to my family."

Don't be scared...We will welcome you...

"Scared that you don't consider me family anymore."

We will always consider you family...Because you are part of our family...

Dream reached behind his head, unclipping the mask. He let the cover fall unto his lap, as he stared at Wilbur with saddened eyes. The brunette reached and caressed Dream's cheek with his thumb, wiping a tear away. He pulled the soft blond into a hug.

"We don't hate you...We could never. Never hate you, never forget you, never stop welcoming you back."

Dream sobbed, tear falling on Wilbur's shoulder, but he didn't mind.

"Do me a favor Dream...

Never again think that we will abandon you...

You're family after all..."


George despised everything. Despised Techno, despised his dumb city, despised the way Dream looks at him...

Despised the way his little brother, Tommy, and his friend, Tubbo, treated him as a game.

Because that is what they had been doing for the past hour, seemingly they didn't know what to do after kidnapping him. But the trouble makers had somehow created a game which consisted of them throwing pebbles at him, hoping they would hit the brunette tied against a tree.

"Why do I keep missing?"

"Get better Tubbo."

Another pebble hit George in the hip, at the comment. It didn't really hurt, just felt uncomfortable. But that didn't stop the hatred he felt at being treated like an amusement. A toy. Something to laugh at. He would get back at them, the second he gets untied...

Ugh, where were Dream and Sapnap when you needed them.

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