-Chapter 30-

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A/N: Final Chapter coming soon.

Third Person POV:

Dream slammed the door of Bad's house, causing Sapnap to jump in the air and drop his sandwich to the ground.

"Dude! Why did you have to slam the door? Now I dropped my sandwich." Sapnap whined, before facing Dream. The blond had tear tracks falling down his cheeks, his air was messy and he was out of breath, like if he had ran all the way here, which he probably did. In a instant the younger was beside Dream.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Sapnap asked, concern dripping down his voice. Sniffles escaped Dream, as he wiped more tears that fell down. Sapnap led him to the couch, where he gave the other a hug.

"George...George likes me. He kissed me. I don't want to ruin our friendship." Dream explained. "And I ran here. Oh god! I left the others behind. I'm such a mess. Sapnap what should I do?"

Dream let out a groan, hiding his face in his hand. Understanding filled Sapnap's face.

"Listen, you should go see them and say sorry for leaving. I'll take care of George. Oh, and talk to Technoblade. You need to tell him eventually, enough playing games." Dream nodded to Sapnap. Thanking him for his answer and help before grabbing his cloak off the hook and running outside towards the castle.


Not even ten minutes after Dream left, the door was slammed again. This time George stepped in, looking around frantically. But Sapnap grabbed his shoulder making the brunette face him.

"George! What is your problem? Why did you do it?" Sapnap shouted, shaking George and making him dizzy. When the shaking stopped, Sapnap pulled George and pushed him onto the couch. Giving him a glare.

"I told him the truth! What is there to be sorry about?"

"George, Dream doesn't like you. He never did and he never will." The last sentence ran into George like a truck, slamming him in the face. "He likes Technoblade, not you. And you need to understand that."

A frown covered George's face, but not hiding the shock. Shock from being rejected and shock from Sapnap's angry shouting.

"Don't frown, don't be sad, you should be happy for him. Since you will never be anything more than a friend to him. Now get up, deal with it without whining and crying your eyes out. Nobody wants to hear your complaining."

'You will never be anything more than a friend to him,' rang and repeated in George's ears. Sapnap was right, he would never be more than a friend to Dream and there was nothing that would change that. So he should be happy and become the best friend Dream will ever have.

A smile now on his face and tears to be forgotten, George got up and followed Sapnap to the kitchen to make more sandwiches.


Dream ran to the castle, not bothering to go to the gates he climbed the castle's walls and landed in the garden. Desperately looking around, he could see nobody was here, no Techno was in sight. His pace hurried through the halls and searching every room, Techno's room was empty, and so was the living room, dining room, drawing room, music room, the great hall and finally the training area. They were all empty or had no sign of Techno.

Feeling disappointed, Dream opened the door to the last room he could think of, the library. His footsteps were the only sound heard along with the birds' songs, coming from an open window. As he moved farther in the large room, filled with bookshelves. It was obvious nobody was around, yet something pulled him to keep searching. So he did.

Nothing was worth catching his attention, except the back desk. Which Dream noticed had something resting on it, and a box beside it. Kneeling on the ground, he found the box filled with letters all of them with his name on them. Shock rippled through his veins, but he didn't allow himself to read them yet. He had a mission. His eyes travelled to the desk on top was a letter similar to the others, but the crest that sealed it was red unlike the golden one that closed the other envelopes, his name was written in a golden color, that differed to the black ink. Clearly this letter was much more important.

So allowing himself to take a break from searching he sat down on the desk's chair and opened the letter. As his vision advanced further through the goodbye letter, his sight blurred for tears trailed down. He stopped moving when he reached Technoblade's signature. He felt his breathing speed up, dropping the letter down he stood up abruptly and ran. Dream didn't know where he was running, but he did know who he was running after.

Dream was stopping Techno and putting an halt to this misunderstanding. Even if he risked his life for it...


The blond truly didn't mean to run into his highness, Philza. But he was thankful. As the father of who he was looking for, probably knew where his son was.

"Your highness, are you aware of where your son is?" He asked, being as polite as he could.

"Dream no need for all this fancy talk. And to answer your question, didn't Techno tell you he was going for a quick vacation."


"Yes, a couple hours ago Techno left on his horse, Carl, he headed towards L'Manberg." Dream felt his inside drop, Techno already left. He was about to turn around and run after Techno. But Phil grabbed his arm. "Dream, judging from your reaction this isn't good, but if you are going to go after Techno. You should at least take a horse, or you'll never catch up. Your horse from years ago, Spirit, is still in the barn."

A nod was all that Dream did to respond before rushing down the stairs, through the halls, and into the barn.

He noticed that there was an empty spot where Carl would have been. Dream walked past and stopped next to Spirit, who let out a sound of excitement at seeing her owner. At least one person was happy at the moment.

"Come on Spirit, Technoblade is waiting for us." He sat himself on the saddle, pulled his hood on, made sure his mask was tightly locked and covering his face, as he had pushed it aside when he entered the library. Dream grabbed the reins and lead Spirit forward. The two left into the sunset after the prince.

"Techno, it always was you who ran after me. I understand you want to stop chasing. But now it's my turn. So Techno, you can run and hide. But I'll find you, no matter where you are." Dream whispered to nobody in particular.


Technoblade sighed, his pink hair, which he had braided, flew in the wind as he rode Carl into a land far from his home.

'This is necessary,' he reminded himself. His thoughts drifted to what his family and friends would say about his actions.

"You're running away? Deal with it you coward! Don't give up." Sapnap exclaimed.

"That's not what happened." Wilbur uttered.

"If it makes you happy, then I'll allow you to go." His father, Philza, declared.

"The Blade wouldn't run!" Tommy shouted, Tubbo nodded in agreement.

"Don't leave Techno." Dream whispered, his voice quieter than the others.

"Don't go...You'll regret it." A voice he didn't recognize spoke in his mind.

Techno knew he would regret it one day, but not today.

Today he would go.

Today he'd stop chasing.

Stop chasing after an unrealistic dream.

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