-Chapter 28-

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A/N: I want to thank you all for the 100k reads!!! You all mean the world to me and I hope you have the most great day possible!

Third person POV:

Technoblade's body went limp and his breathing hitched. He stood up abruptly from the bed, slamming his fist onto the nightstand in anger, books, papers and pencils, that used to call the nightstand home, were pushed aside and they tumbled to the floor with a loud echo of bangs and crashes. Techno's vision seemed a faded red and dizziness crept up his body. A single tear rolled down his cheek and he rushed out the room.

Leaving Tommy and Tubbo unaware of the terrible pain they had sent swarming Technoblade's heart. The seemingly emotionless warrior now reduced to a heartbroken soul, just wanting to be held in the comforting arms of the one he wished to call love.

Usually in these times he would've gone to the garden where their memories rested, where they used to spend the afternoons, where they gave the other loving touched and hugs...where they so happened to have their first lovable and memorable kiss...yet such a foolish one. One that held no meaning since they were just foolish teens.

"Hey Technoblade!" The young prince looked up seeing his best friend, Dream, rushing towards him. The blond sat beside him on the edge of the fountain. "Guess what I saw?"

"What is it Dreamy? What did you see?" Techno responded, a soft blush on his cheeks from having the blond so close.

"As I was walking over here, I saw two boys kissing on a bench."

"Ok...and? I don't see a problem."

"Well, neither do I. But I have a few questions, can you answer them?" Dream looked at him expectantly, and well how could Techno refused a wish from the cheerful blond.

"Ask away!"

"Ok! First off...Why exactly do people kiss? Why do they do it so much?"

"I guess people kiss if they like each other." Techno didn't know much about relationships nor did he know much about love. He just knew he wanted to kiss Dream, but he couldn't exactly tell his crush that.

"Like how we like each other?" Dream asked innocently, head tilted to the side. A choke erupted from Techno, and the smallest quickly patted the other's back, thinking he might be dying or something.

"Not quite Dream." Techno answered after recomposing himself.

"Why not? I like you and you like me, don't you?" Dream's eyes were like a puppy's, pleading for attention even if he unknowingly had it from the start.

"It's not the same, Dream." Technoblade sighed, he wanted to finish this conversation quickly, he was sure that his face was red as a shiny apple from the apple blossom trees.

"Fine! But answer my other question. Why do they do it so much?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe they like it? Enjoy it? You know like you and I enjoy sparring, the thrills, the enthusiasm we feel, and the sparks it sends up your body."

"Does it feel good or something?"

"How would I know?"

"I don't know...Haven't you kiss somebody before?"

"No!...Have you?" Techno inwardly sighed when the other shook his head.

"But still don't you want to find out why people like it?"

"Never thought much of it really." That was a lie. The many times Techno had thought, dreamt, and wished he could kiss Dream was far too many.

Technoblade stared at Dream, watching as his expression went from a questioning look, to a 'I have a crazy idea' look.

"Dream?" He uttered out, but before he knew it, the blond's face was a mere centimeter away. He could feel Dream's breathing tickling his skin, he could hear his own heavy breathing, he could taste his own saliva spreading in his mouth, he could smell the mint Dream had probably just taken, he could see Dream's eyes, that were gems of the most value, flicker downwards for just a second.

Technoblade just wanted to close the gap but his body was frozen just like his thoughts.

"Dream what are you doing." Techno whispered.

"I don't know," he responded, words only barely spoken.

Before Dream leaned in, and Techno did two. Officially stealing their first kiss, and unknowingly sealing a vow to stay together. Techno could feel how soft Dream's lips were, and the taste of strawberry was prominent, along with hints of mint. The two shouldn't have mixed so well, but they did. And as quickly as it started it ended. They separated and Techno was left breathless, and wanting to indulge in the feeling of Dream's lips against his own once more.

"I know why people do this now." Dream mentioned with a slight laugh, the prince just nodded mindlessly. They stared at each other, smiles on their faces and they leaned back in. Techno closed his eyes as they collided like a melody, two instruments playing different tunes yet the symphony was perfect. Just like they were perfect for each other. Techno breathed in this moment, never wanting it to end.

'Had it meant nothing?' Technoblade thought as he unconsciously touched his lips and sighed.

Honestly he should have know...

They were just teens, teens in love, teens who were curious of things they did not understand, foolish teens...

He clearly should have known...

Known that it didn't mean anything to Dream...
Even if it meant the world to himself...

A/N: Hello! To celebrate 100k reads, I decided to write a couple of my headcanons for this book. You will found those down below.


-Technoblade and Dream were childhood bestfriends

-Dream is tall, but tiny compared to Techno, who is just a beast (because he is half piglin, even if it's never mentioned)

-Phil adopted Techno in a trip to the nether, kid just attacked him with a gold sword and Dadza was like "Yes, this child is now mine"

-Dream and Techno have friendship emeralds, Techno's was forged into a earring which he basically always has, while Dream's is a necklace hidden under is turtleneck (Will be mention somewhere in a future chapter 0-0)

-Technoblade is a merciless killer, but very soft for Dream uwu

-Dream tries to hide that he likes Techno at first, but can't deny it anymore

-They are very soft for each other

Also I was planning on making art for this book, tell me what you think.
Any fanart or fanwork will be very POG, as long as you mention my work, and I'll repost/mention it on here if you are okay with it!

Again thank you very much! Have a great day!

-Author Blu

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