Chpt12 Ninjas Demise

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-exreme violence
-literal murder

That morning dream woke up prepared knowing what he has to do...

Dream got dressed an instead of a green sweatshirt he put on a gray one he walked out to the kitchen and began cooking he took a marker fron his sister "hey!" And he drew a smile on his mask "sorry" he said giving the marker back and passing her some waffles "whats so important today?" "Just uh... Important stuff" "wow that's really informational" she said sarcasticly dream scoffed.

"Listen it's a uh bug day for so just chill here alright? And please don't get into trouble"..."I won't" he put on his mask and walked out the door dream took a breath looking at the sun high in the sky this is it this is the day where ninja..where he finally meets his face he reached the bottom of the stairs case turning to see sapnap who was looking at his watch.

"We gotta go find ninja also we gotta target" "alright!" "I'm gonna go find ninja and you go get some wepons preferably hand guns or a revolver just something simple" "ok.." "where's the-" sapnap had already walked away Mabey I'll just fine someone and ask them dream walked around baskining in the sun a a slight breeze appeared every cupple minutes its so pretty's a shame... Because today nina would meet his demise...

After walking for a bit he encountered someone Niki? I think "oh hey dream!" She exclaimed right across from her was ninja "hey.." They went silent for a bit before dream spoke up "me and sapnap where wondering if you wanna come with us to get our target "ugh him" "NINJA! I'm sure you would love to come right ninja?".

Niki gave him a glare "fine.." "I'm going to get wepons then I'm gonna meet up with sapnap you wanna follow along and show me where it is?" ninja sighed and mouthed something to niki her expression changed to a less happy face "sure" and he began leading him to the wepons and armory.

"Alright what wepons do you need?" Woah that's a shit load of guns the room was in a big metal storage container it kinda looked like the back of a u-haul can but if it was the size of a giant building "uh I think sapnap said just some hand guns and knifes." "Ok" ninja tossed him two hand guns and a knife Wich almost cut him "can you be more fucking careful?!" Dream exclaimed they met eyes ninja looked pissed "oh shut the fuck up let's just get going" and ninja followed behind dream..

Mabey he's at the entrance? Apoun aproching the entrance he saw a exremly sweaty sapnap "fuck it's hot outside" "well the sun's gonna go down soon so we should be good" sapnap passed dream a picture of the target and there information 24 year old girl she would be meeting there thinking she was getting drugs well shit... She had brown shortish hair that went down to her shoulders and surprisingly exremly pretty emerled eyes and a yellow floreal floral dress "alright let's do this.."dream said before walking outside of the gate.

--pov change

NO NO I DONT FUCKING LIVE HIM i-im engaged I can't love him god i-...I don't love him... I DONT-

Georges a voice came from george's radio


"Hey Sapnap.."

"Where almost to the place!"


"Ill check in once we get there!"


George sat down on his bed and sighed what if-.. I could call off the wedding and- NO I love ninja and only ninja an did won't make the mistake that I made again.......Rîght?.......

George looked out the window and didn't know what he would do...

--pov change

The rain started to pour and become exremly heavy "oh shit.." dream sighed are we almost there yet?" "Relax it's just acupple more blocks" ok...i can do this all I gotta do is choke her and get here down then I'm gonna grab the gun and do the same with ninja....fuck i-...let's just hope this works out ok...woo..let's do this.

They approached a corner and dream signaled for them to stay behind the wall "hey?" "You the person you got the stuff?" The lady had a suprisnly normal voice "yeah" the lady inched closer to him it's ok I'm gonna do this "I got the money" she got closer and dream stayed silent I can do this I CAN DO THIS "well and it over!".

Dream started to panic "WHAT ARE YA WAITING FOR?!" he quicky put his arm around her throat trying to get it over with she grunted shit before kicking him in the leg and knocking him down he sprung up before pushing her down and grabbing hold of her neck come on JUST FUCKING DIE he hated having to sit there choking her a she grunts and kicks and tries to get away thoes screams would haunt him forever soon she went silent thank god it's over "dream! You did it".

Sapnap and ninja walked out from behind the corner "dream...NOW" dream panicked before tackling ninja to the ground and pulling out his knife he punched dream in the face dream quickly stood up still slightly dizzy and leaped at him getting shot in the arm "SHIT" he pulled out his gun and blindly shot only hitting ninjas leg "WHAT THE FUCK" ninja screamed he pounded on Ninja before being knocked to the ground ninja our his hands around dreams throat.

"S-sapnap f-fuck help" dream glared over to see a gun on the floor he quickly grabbed it and blindly shot up something feel on was ninjas dead body... Dream got the gun and got up "SAPNAP WHAT THE FUCK WHY DIDNT YOU HELP" sapnap stood silent and grinned sapnap pulled out his gun and aimed it at dream dream couldn't believe his eyes "w-what are you-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP...sorry dream but is mine".

--pov change

George got up screw it I'll check in "guys? Hello" george tuned in on the radio they glaired at eachother "dream sapnap ninja?" Sapnap grabbed the radio still pointing the gun at dream Dream took this  opertunity "GEORGE HELP SAPNAP HES-"*BANG*..."GUYS? HELLO?!" the radio turned off....

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