Chpt2 Wrong Place Rong Time

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Tw: guns

Clay started to try to think about where the store was as he walked out the door stepping into the cool night air. As by the time they got back it had been night.... Left? Then right?? No no 2 lefts and then 3? 4? Blocks then right?? No 3 blocks then a right ya ok... 2 lefts 3 blocks then a right I think.... The night was always so peaceful it was always something he had enjoyed.

He turned the first left and saw the street with plenty of shops though none where open this late so he continued to the gas station as that was open 24/7. the night seemed to be almost calling him to turn around out of nowhere he whipped around and heard a bit of chatter from an alley way mabey 10-20 feet away he sat for a good 5 minutes standing still do I go? Do I dare listen in?? slowly inching back the way he came towards the alley Before he knew it he was already walking towards the vine covered alley curiously.

He saw 3 people all looking annoyed one spoke "I GOT HIM" he had he had paleish skin and cat ears?! and a tail?!! And greyish black hair though he didn't look old mabey in his 20s infact they all looked to be in there early 20s. another had vibrant pink hair and slightly tanned skin he assumed she was female by her femine shape even though she looked tough he was surprised to here a soft voice with a accent (though he couldn't pin point it mabey german?) Say "yes but infront of hundreds mabey THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!".

A higher pitch male voice said "oh will you both shut up!" The boy with the voice was extremely short but definitely around there age he had light brown skin and black fluffy looking hair "NO IT WAS ON LIVE TELEVISION I DONT CARE IF HE USED A SNIPER LITTERALY ANYONE COULD HAVE SAW"said the femine voice the boy with the cat ears started to speak again "c,mon it was a parade A PA....".

he was confused but started to think about the boy again "george" he just seemed so beautiful? helpless? fearless? cute? hot? He just couldn't describe it I just want to- his thoughts about the boy was cut off by the soft voice screaming "WHO'S THERE YOUR YOURSELF" the blond put his hands up not wanting to seem threatening what am I doing I could easily beat all of these people up- and then he felt a cold mettle object against the back of his head yep that's a gun.. he thought.

"I-i don't want trouble I promise I won't say a thing" clay had always stayed true to his word and was known for it but they didn't care... "What should we do" the shortest on said "Just kill him" said the girl clay was dragged down to the ground by his longish dirty blond hair the short boy stood above him holding a gun to his head he panicked before shouting "WAIT PLEASE I HAVE A SISTER".

The shorter boy eyes showed a bit of mercy clay continued "i-i I'm all she has left PLEASE" the boy kept his eyes on clay but still hesitant he said to the female "is there an alternative?" He said he seemed worried for clay they talked for a bit the boy not letting clay out of his sight to make sure he didn't leave. the woman sighed "you need a job?" clay was surprised at the offer because in reality he accually needed one "it depends is it illigal" clay said trying to lighten the mood she gave him a look the scared him get eyes staring into him clearly angered by the remark.

"It depends do you want to live?" She said he noticed her accent was extremely heavy at that time "well then s-sure" he said he was quite clearly scared by her but why he was bigger then everyone else and he could easily grab the gun from he smaller boys hand but something some ..feeling told him not to... He locked eyes with her before hearing her speak again "you should get your sister you'll be with us for awhile" he nodded not wanting to make her even more mad.

--pov change

Ant followed in the back of the group his ear twitched a bit that guy could probably fight the why didn't he? He knew niki was scared as when she was scared the minute he heard her accent get heaver defense mechanism? And Zak's eyes? yep he knew for sure they where all frightened.

As He got closer he thought it was a mansion untill he realized it was an assortment of houses a hotel? Oh he lives in an apartment well no wonder he needed a job poor guy he thought to himself the blond guy opened the door he saw a small but neat looking apartment with a little girl with blondish brown hair down to her shoulders and a small amount of freckles who looked to be around 14 sitting watching tv.

"Clay who's that" said the girl surprised she had a deeper voice the he expected surprising he thought The boy they had captured spoke "just friends? It's hard to explain" "you have friends?!" She said zak started to giggle and ant tried to hold back his laugh niki still remained looking as scary as possible "just um.. just start packing" clay said worried "what why?! What the hell is going on?" She sounded furturated "is it the rent again?".

--pov change

Clays heart dropped not wanting these scetchy people to know to much about his personal life he said "don't..." he tried to think of a good way to frase it as he packed feeling all of there eyes watching him "its better If you don't speak" dream shot his sister Drista a look and she stared back deciding she would listen for once...

So I had a good time writing this and I'm really excited for the next episode by the time I upload it I may have a pfp for the seires so stay tuned :>

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