Chpt13 Wanted by you [The end]

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-exreme violence

Sapnap had missed the shot dream pounced on top of him knocking the wind out of him he grabbed the gun adn pointed it at sapnaps head "you don't have the fucking guts" dream was shaking and so fucking scared what do I do?s-sapnap puched him and knocked him to the ground there was blood everywhere sapnap jumped on top of him and started puchign and hitting him over and over and over again dream was so weak but he couldn't die now..

Fuck stay awake dont let him beat you dream quickly hit he nee into sapnaps back forcing him to fall forwards and catch him self with his hands he looked up to see sapnap stairng back at him FUCK STAY FOCUSED he puched sapnap and threw him off of him as he reached for a knife sapnap drug him backwards as he hit him back on the ground everything was becoming blurry..

STAY FOCUSED AGH- sapnap puched him in the stomach don't fall asleep don't fucking die he slammed into sapnap and tried to get back to the knife before feeling a sharp pain in his leg sapnap had stabbed him he quickly kicked him with his worked leg before grabbing the knife and he pinned sapnap to the ground with the knife at his throat "WHY WE COULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING FRIENDS" "like I said GEORGE IS MI-" dream dug the knife into his throat.

"Dream ninja s-sapnap any one please awns...." Dreams wars where ringing and everything was blurry shit is that "HELLO? S... DRE-... NINJA?!.. AR..GU.....GOOD?!....DI..CLA..." he slowly dragged himself to the radio and leaned up against the wall it was dizzy and blurry all he could hear was the rain and the faint back round noise of george on the radio "george h-help p-pl.please" is all he could say before everything cut to black".

--pov change george darted to puffys office pushing the unlocked door open emdeitly he was soaked from the rain "PUFFY TRACK THE RADIO R-RIGHT NOW AND SEND ME THE ADRESS" puffy didn't question it and quickly found the location she them told him where it is I know where that is she wants even able to speak before george darted out the door and towards the location.

SHIT PLEASE TELL ME HES OK it was pouring down rain he turned the corner to see dream with multiple wounds including a gun shot in the arm and a couple cuts and blood all over him and his mouth was dripping blood he was sitting just a cupple feet away from the target who was definitely dead "dream!" "Don't worry im-" dream grunted "i-im good" he ran into a hug embracing him "no your not" "I knew you would come  your always worried about me" dream scoffed "what?! No I'm not" "c'mon just admit it~ your worried" "you!" He paused hugging dream tighter "fine I'm worried.." "but let's ignore that we need to get you back to the base "ok I love you" george paused "what the fuck you know I'm taken" is what he wanted to say but instead he muttered "I love you too" as he melted into a kiss.

he turned his head to see ninja and Nick dead "NICK" george ran over to sapnaps lifeless body MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND I- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND he looked over at ninja but didn't care he saw that there was a bullet hole in the wall as he held sapnap in his hands he thought to himself DID SAPNAP "dream what happened?!...".

George said tears pouring down his face "he- ahh he tried to fucking kill me he said he...fuck.. he said he wanted to have you all to himself" george didn't want to belive him.."n-nO NO NO NO THATS NOT FUCKING TRUE" dream began to tear up as well "i-it is george.." "I can't fukcing belive him..."

--pov change

Dream wasn't focused on anybody but george he just stared into his eyes his eyes are so..FUCK NOT THE TIME george began to catch on and slowly walked towards him "clay...." Dream gulpled "listen we can do this once your safe "d-do what?!" Dreams face was slightly blushing george Looked into his eyes and smiled making dream look away blushing hard "Clay~ you know what~" "I mean... Why not now~" george sighed "because your fucking bleeding out" oh yeah... I'm gonna call for help george talked for acupple minutes before sitting back down Dream reached his arms around george hugging him dream smiled and began to speak "I may be wanted by the police but hey atleast I'm wanted by you <3"....

Aaaand that's the end of Wanted!.

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