Part 1

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Kayla woke up the next morning in her apartment in Kensington and Chelsea. But she remembered getting home but doesn't remember anything after having a couple of drinks. But how did the alcohol ended up getting back to hers? She doesn't drink at home, so she sat up in bed looked around to see that both Dan and Tom were with her in bed. She groaned and collapsed back down to her pillow.

Kayla looked to see what time it was. It was 10am, she had to get up and get ready as she had to get to the theatre for 12pm as she had two shows to do today. It was the last double of the week as they didn't perform on Sundays and Mondays. So, at least she will have the next two days off.

She climbed over Tom and headed to her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Kayla looked dreadful, so she turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up.

Dan woke to see that it was just Tom in bed with him. He smiled at the night that they had spent with Kayla. Dan reached over and moved Tom's hair out of his eyes and then got up himself and headed to the bathroom.

Kayla was in the in the shower washing her hair when she started to remember what happened last night. She only had two drinks last night. So, it had to be either Tom or Dan. They must have nicked the booze that was in the limo, as she didn't remember stopping off at shop on their way back.

She heard the bathroom door open. Kayla turned and looked at the door to see Dan walking in and went straight to the toilet. Kayla remained still thinking that he wouldn't see her still in the shower.

The toilet flushed and the door then opened and shut. Kayla let out a breath and slipped backwards to the shower wall and then slid down and sat in the shower stall basin. She started to cry her eyes out.

Kayla had sex with the both of them.

She knew that she couldn't keep on doing this to them both. Kayla just wanted to move on, but they're still going to be in her life. But it was all down to the both of them that her dream of being on the West End has come true. She wanted it to last for as long as possible.

Kayla got up and finished washing herself down and then turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around her and then headed to the kitchen to start some coffee. She hadn't got very long as she needed to head to the tube station to get the Novello theatre for her scheduled warm up on stage.

Dan walked in with just his boxers on and sat down at the breakfast bar and watched Kayla move around. Kayla turned around and jumped as Dan was sat there watching her every move.

"How long have you been sitting there?" Kayla asked pouring a coffee into one of the takeaway cups that she bought from Starbucks.

"Not long." Dan replied.

"Well, I need to get a move on. I need to be at the theatre for 12pm. So, go and wake Master Felton up from his beauty sleep. We need to get moving within the next 30 minutes if I am going to get there on time." Kayla picked up her coffee and headed into the spare room to get dressed.

All three of them were ready and they headed out of Kayla's flat. Tom and Dan walked by Kayla's side as they all headed to the tube station.

Tom decided that it wasn't worth getting the tube as they could get ambushed by fans. Dan agreed with him and they decided to get a taxi back to their shared apartment.

"We shall see you later?" Dan asked kissing Kayla's cheek.

"Look guys, thank you so much for last night. But I can't keep doing this to you. I love you both and I don't want to choose between you both. I know that we have only just met back up again, but I have just started living my dream. So, let me call you later on." Kayla kissed them both and headed straight into the tube station and swiped in with her Oyster card.

"Come on Dan, let's get back home and change." Tom hugged Dan as they hailed a cab to take them home.

Welcome to part 2 of Meeting The Boy's. I hope that you have enjoyed the first book. I'm contemplating on whether to continue this book as I have five chapters already in the bag. So I am going to see, if it's worth continuing and if you want to read what I am writing.

I have two other's which I am still currently writing, but I am having a small writers block at the moment on one of them as I need to do a little research, but I am hoping that it is not to be any longer.

Meeting The Boy's 2: It's Panto TimeWhere stories live. Discover now