Part 8

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The end of October and November had flown. They were now in the Palace Theatre for their final rehearsal before the opening night.

They had some of the Cursed Child cast in the ensemble including some of the main cast, this was to keep them busy during the month that had off from Cursed Child.

Tom and Dan were sat in the stalls at the back with Bradley. They watched as the cast and ensemble warmed up their voices and bodies for the performance.

"Right then, let's get the show on the road. This is your final rehearsal guys. You have been working hard on this production for the past month and a half, you all know your parts. Let's make KTD Productions first year a strong start for them. Tom, Dan. Any words?" Bradley told them.

"Just relax and enjoy yourselves. I will just say one thing that I think that Matt and Emma will have been told before. 'Life isn't a rehearsal, it's a performance'. So have fun." Tom told them.

"We have put our faith in you and we have made one of a collaboration come true. This is our first year of doing something as big as this. We have had help along the way. I would like to thank the team here at the Palace Theatre for allowing us to put on this panto. Let's knock the socks off the Palladium panto. So I thank you all for making this a lifetime dream. Let's start then."

The lights in the auditorium faded to black and the music started up. They opened the show with 'Going Back To Hogwarts'. This would tie in with where the panto was.

Kayla:      Underneath these stairs
                            I hear the sneers and feel the                             glares
                            Of my cousin, my uncle and my                             aunt
                            Can't believe how cruel they are
                            And it stings my lightning scar
                            To know they'll never
                            Ever give me what I want
                            I know I don't deserve these
                            Awful rules made by the Esme's
                            Here on Privet Drive
                            Can't take these stupid Muggles
                            But despite all of my struggles
                            I'm still alive
                            I'm sick of summer and this waiting                             around
                            Man, it's September so I'm skippin'                             this town
                            Hey, it's no mystery
                            There's nothing here for me now
                            I gotta get back to Hogwarts
                            I gotta get back to school
                            I gotta get myself to Hogwarts
                            Where everyone thinks I'm cool
                            Back to witches and wizards and                             magical beasts
                            To goblins and ghost and to                             magical feasts
                            It's all that I love
                            And it's all that I need
                            At Hogwarts
                            I think I'm going back
                            I'll see my friends
                            Gonna laugh til we cry
                            Take my Firebolt
                            Gonna take to the sky
                            No way this year anyone's gonna                             die
                            And it's gonna be
                            Totally awesome!
                            I'll cast some spells
                            With the flick of my wand
                            Defeat the Dark Arts
                            Yeah, bring it on
                            And do it all
                            With my best friend, Buttons
                            'Cause together we're totally                             awesome
Paul:      Yeah, 'cause together we're totally                             awesome!
                            Did somebody say, "Buttons"?
Paul:      It's been so long
                            But we're going back
                            Don't go for work
                            Don't go there for class
Kayla:      As long as we're together —
& Paul:      — Gonna kick some ass
                            And it's gonna be totally awesome!
                            This year we'll take everybody by                             storm
                            Stay up all night
                            Sneak out of our dorm
Sam:      But let's not forget
                            That we need to perform well in                             class
                            If we want to pass our O.W.L.s!
                            I may be frumpy, but I'm super                             smart
                            Check out my grades
                            They're A's, for a start
                            What I lack in looks, well, I make                             up in heart
                            And well guys, yeah, that's totally                             awesome
                            This year, I plan to study a lot —
Paul:      That would be cool if you were                             actually hot
Kayla:      Hey, Buttons, come on!
                            We're the only friends that he's                             got!
Paul:      And that's cool
Sam:      And that's totally awesome
All:      Yeah, it's so cool
                            And it's totally awesome!
                            We're sick of summer and this                             waiting around
                            It's like we're sitting in the Lost                             and Found
                            Don't take no sorcery
                            For anyone to see how
                            We gotta get back to Hogwarts
                            We gotta get back to school
                            We gotta get ourselves to                             Hogwarts
                            Where everything is magi-cool
                            Back to witches and wizards and                             magical beasts
                            To goblins and ghosts and to                             magical feasts
                            It's all that we love
                            And it's all that I need
                            At Hogwarts
                            I think we're going back!
                            Buttons! You were supposed to                             take me to Madam Malkin's and                             use those Sickles mom gave you                             for my robe fitting!
Kayla:      [spoken]
                            Who's this?
Paul:      [spoken]
                            Ah, this is stupid, dumb, little                             sister, Ginny. Ginny, this is                             Cinders...Cinderella
Female Ensemble:
                            Whoa, you're Cinderella! You're the                             Girl Who Lived!
James:      [spoken]
                            Did someone say Draco Malfoy?
Kayla:      [spoken]
                            Malfoy, what do you want?
James:           [spoken]
                            So, Cinders, back for another year                             at Hogwarts are you? Maybe this                             year you'll wise up and hang out                             with a higher caliber of wizard!
Kayla:      [spoken]
                            Listen, Draco. Buttons and Sam                             are my best friends in the whole                             world, I wouldn't trade them for                             anything.
James:      [spoken]
                            Have it your way. Hogwarts has                             really gone to the dogs. But luckily                             next year, I'll be transferred to                             Pigfarts!
                            This year, you bet
                            Gonna get out of here
                            The reign of Malfoy is drawing                             near
                            I'll have the greatest wizard career
                            It's gonna be totally awesome
                            Look out, world, for the dawn of                             the day
                            When everyone will do
                            Whatever I say!
                            And Cinders won't be in my way
                            Then I'll be the one who is totally                             awesome
John & Les:
                            Yeah, you'll be the one that is                             totally awesome
Sam:      [spoken]
                            Guys, come on! We're gonna miss                             the train!
All:      Who knows how fast
                            This year's gonna go?
                            Hand me a glass
                            Let the butterbeer flow
Kayla:      Maybe, at last, I'll talk to The                             Prince!
Paul:      Oh no - that would way too                             awesome!
All:      We're back to learn everything                             that we can
                            It's great to come back to where                             we began
                            And here we are
                            And Alakazam!
                            Here we go, this is totally                             awesome!
                            Come on and teach us everything                             you know
                            The summer's over and we're                             itching to go
John & Les:
                            I think we're ready for
                            Lady Esme
All:      Ahhh...
Christopher: Welcome
                                All of you to Hogwarts
                                I welcome all of you to school
                                Did you know that here at                                 Hogwarts
                                We've got a hidden swimming                                 pool?
                                Welcome, welcome, welcome                                 Hogwarts
                                Welcome hotties, nerds, and                                 tools
                                Now that I've got you here at                                 Hogwarts
                                I'd like to go over just a couple                                 of rules
                                My name is Lady Sophia Esme                                 and I am Lady Hogwarts Manor.                                 You can all call me "Lady Esme."                                 I suppose you can also call me                                 "Sophia" if you want a detention.                                 Nope, I'm just kidding. I'll expel                                 you if you call me "Sophia!"
All:      Back to witches and wizards and                             magical beasts
                            To goblins and ghosts and to                             magical feasts
                            It's all that I love and it's all that I                             need at Hogwarts
                            Back to spells and enchantments
                            Potions and friends
All:      Back to the place where our story                             begins
                            At Hogwarts
Christopher:I'm sorry, what's its name?
All:      Hogwarts
Christopher:I didn't hear you, kids!
All:      Hogwarts!
Kayla:      [spoken]
                            Welcome to the Show!

Meeting The Boy's 2: It's Panto TimeWhere stories live. Discover now