Part 7

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KDT Productions Presents Cinderella 2016

Director: Bradley Walsh
Producers: Tom Felton & Daniel Radcliffe
Musical Director: Dean Jordan Taylor
Choreographer: Sarah Jane Corden
Production Manager: Sophie Carlton
Stage Manager: Joseph Dresden
Lighting & Sound: The Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Team

Cinderella: Kayla Marie Sampson
Buttons: Paul Zerdin with Sam
Prince Liam: Matt Lewis
Dandini: Ben Adams
Step Mother Lady Esme: Christopher Biggins
Monica Esme: John Barrowman
Tunie Esme: Les Dennis
Fairy Godmother: Emma Watson
Ensemble and Junior Ensemble to be announced.

So there you have it. The final casting lists. Bradley and the team were impressed. He kept Tom and Dan as covers for both Prince Liam and Dandini just in case something was to happen to them both.

The final scripts with musical numbers in that they had approved by the artists so that they could be listed in the programme that they were now busy creating.

Rehearsals started at the end of October for the read throughs and then the songs were then to be added at the start of November and then the dancing. With the final run through to be the third week of November before they move into the Palace Theatre where rehearsals would start at the end of the month.

Kayla had received her songs that she was singing along with Matt Lewis. They had put the cast in housing for those that were travelling down. Tom and Dan rented out some apartments for the cast.

Tom had turned up at Kayla's apartment with Willow in tow. Kayla didn't hear them come in and was bowled over by Willow who then started to lick Kayla's face.

"Willow calm down will you. I know you have missed me as I have missed you. Now let me up so I can go to my rehearsal." Kayla pushed the Labrador from her.

Tom waltzed in holding a Starbucks cup with his coffee in it whilst on the phone to Dan.

"We are already into the final stages Dan. We move into the Palace Theatre at the end of the week. Is everything looking good down there?"

Kayla looked up and plucked Tom's cup out of his hand and then kissed Tom on the lips silencing him on the phone.

"I will call you back Dan, I have something to deal with at the moment which I think you will need to deal with when you get back from rehearsals tonight." Tom hung up and kissed Kayla senseless.

"Hmm Kayla. I may have to stop you leaving." Tom pushed Kayla into the breakfast bar.

"Sorry Tom, but I'm off to rehearsals. I have to learn the Jellicle Ball today. It's like Goblet of Fire for Matt at the moment. Learning to dance again." Kayla kissed Tom goodbye and headed out of her apartment.

Tom shook his head. He knew what Matt Lewis and Ben Adams was going through as both himself and Dan were learning the parts themselves as they had asked them if they could just cover for one night as it was a dream for them to perform with Kayla on stage.

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