Chapter 9

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A week passed by and both Daniel and Enty walked Enterprise towards the ocean.

"Mom when will I see you again?" Enty asked.

"I don't know, Enty, but all I know is that soon we'll be able to see eachother again." Enterprise explained.

"Well, good luck out there mom, please don't push yourself over the limit." Enty said to her mom who began to skate onto the water.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best!" She replied back.


"Purifier still hasn't returned and yet it's been a week." Empress Arbiter III said to The other Sirens.

"It doesn't make sense cause we've defeated the world and it takes a group to destroy our mass fleets." Tester explains.

"I second that, but do you think one of the lone shipgirls got an assist after all, two of the Sakura reunited during a battle that if it was only one, we could've won easily even with their modifications alone." Observer explains as she remembers the battle against Ember and Meta.

"Very well, we will begin an operation at the Western shores of Eagle Union as they've got a Fault Line which should get these humans think twice and surrender." Arbiter III explains.

"Understood! Your Majesty, we'll begin right away." Tester said as both she and Observer left.

Meanwhile in both the  Atlanic and The Pacific, Sirens began to retreat causing confusion to Meta, Ember, and Ark Royal as they were in the middle of their fights.

Pacific Ocean:

"It's strange to see them retreat when they still have any ships yet to sink Ember, what are your thoughts?" Meta asked her companion.

"I don't know, I think I saw a glimpse of a red bridge similar to the one in San Francisco Bay at the Eagle Union Mainland through a portal." Ember explains.

"Well then we must make our way there even if we have to force our way through the enemy lines." Meta suggests.

"I guess you're right and besides the JDSF Air Force Division is taking care of the enemy so we can go to where the Sirens are heading.

Atlanic Ocean:

Ark Royal notices that the Sirens were retreating and decides to destroy more Destroyers until she noticed that the portal leads to an American city.

As she was about to move her way there, the portal closes just inches from her!

"Very well, looks like I'll have to take either the Panama or avoid the Radar in Canada and America." She said to herself as her ship appears and sends out more planes before setting course to the west and getting some rest

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