Chapter 11

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Elsewhere, both Ember and Meta were sailing across the Pacific Ocean when they came upon a familiar face one which shocked Meta the most.

"Sister?!" She exclaimed to the shadowy figure ahead of them.

The figure looks at Meta ready to attack but after a while acknowledges the people.

"You're Sakura ships right?" She asked for confirmation as both Meta and Ember nodded.

"In this new world, don't call me Souryuu, call me Meta S." Meta S replied as Meta nodded.

"And my name shall be now known as Meta H." To which both Ember and Meta S nodded.

"Allow me to introduce myself S, I was Takao, but now I'm Ember." Ember replied as she held out her hand. "Welcome back to the fleet even though it's now only us 3."

The trio then set course to wherever the Sirens were heading to.

Pearl Harbor:

People who were going through the debris, looked towards the area where Arizona sank as a flash of light consumed the area surrounding the sunken Battleship.

Thinking of it being a Siren attack, the people then ran for cover not knowing it was another Eagle Union ship waking up from a coma.

When the flash of light faded, stood a shipgirl in oil stained clothes.

"I'm sorry if I failed in protecting the harbor but I'll never fail again." She said to herself as she looks at the flowers floating around the waters.

"I Met'Ari will bring the fight to the Sirens." She said as she starts to set sail.

As she sailed, people gave way to her as they feared of her being a Siren.

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