Familiar Eyes- Colleen

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"Your going to kill yourself one of these days," Chelsea sighed while twiddling her long red hair.

Colleen flashed her a mischievous smile while balancing on the park's narrow brick wall, "Come on Chels! It would be fun!"

"Yeah," Anderson rolled his gray eyes sarcastically. "Egging Principle Helton's house sounds like a lot of fun."

Colleen stuck her tongue out at them, which was bright cherry red from the lollipop she had just ate. In a few weeks school was going to be out for summer break, which meant she was probably going to be moved to a new foster home. Again. Since Principle Bossy-Pants had been so generous with his detention slips this semester, she figured it was only appropriate to show how much she appreciated them. By egging his fancy house.

"Come on guys," she whined. "You have to agree that his rules are totally ridiculous."

Anderson chuckled while shaking his brown curly haired head, "Wanna talk about ridiculous? Have you seen his greasy hair?"

"It looks like he uses an entire bottle of hair gel every morning," Chelsea giggles while her green eyes sparkled in amusement.

Colleen smirked, "Then pours a bit extra before bed for 'best results'."

They all laughed at the absurdity of it. Colleen felt glad to have such great friends this semester. Sometimes she worried about them not liking her more than she cared to admit. Or if they just hung out with her out of pity, which has happened to her a few times actually. After all, she was a orphan, who had moved to several houses and cities only to be rejected by every family. What's not to pity? Oh! And if she really wanted to hype up the sympathy points she could tell them about the tragic car accident her parents been in, which took their lives and left her parentless at five. Oh yeah, she had quite the sob story.

Truthfully, she didn't really mind how her cards had been dealt. Sure it sucked sometimes, but she didn't remember her life before the accident. So there wasn't much to miss. Plus, it was great that she moved so often. She could get in all the trouble she wanted and not have to worry about the consequences. Besides, she didn't have much to look forward to anyway. So why behave?

Colleen leaped down from the brick wall to walk with her friends. Inhaling the fresh air, she wrapped her arm around Chelsea's shoulder and nudged Anderson playfully. "So I take that as a yes...?" she prompted.

"No!" they both groaned.

"Fine," Colleen sighed. "You guys are no fun." She released Chelsea from her hold, "I probably better get going anyway. Mr. Barret has dinner with someone from work at the house tonight, and they're forcing me to attend."

"Hey, there's going to be food," Anderson reminds me. "Things are always better with food."

Colleen rolled her eyes, "Can you stop thinking about food for, like, thirty seconds?"

Anderson grinned at her, "Nope."

She narrowed her eyes at him while allowing a small smile on her face. He raised a eyebrow at her. A small smile gracing his lips too. Suddenly, Colleen became aware that they had stopped walking. She couldn't bring herself too look away. His eyes were like magnates. Was this a staring contest? No. It felt too weird and fluttery for that.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made her look away. Her eyes landed on Chelsea and her tight smile, which didn't quite reach her eyes, "Come on, Colleen. We'll walk you home."


Colleen's ice blue eyes quizzically gazed back at her from the mirror. She tilted her head a bit to examine her tan face. She timidly reached for the golden oval locket around her neck and carefully opened it. She stared blankly at the people inside.

A blonde woman with brown eyes clutching her five year daughters' hand. And a man with ice blue eyes watching his wife with adoration and pure love. A mischievous glint lingering in his eyes.

Colleen met those same blue eyes in the mirror. Was this the only thing her parents ever gave her? Startling ice blue eyes? That, and a lumpy blue elephant? Surely they had something else before they passed. Surely they had family, right? She couldn't be the only Ruewen left... Could she?

Colleen found herself examining her face again. Searching for the finer details, she noticed she had the same face shape as her mother, and the same feminine lips. But the same eyes as her father's. Her wild blonde hair resembled her dad's too. Except her's rested a few inches above her shoulders. That was all she had from them. Their features, a stuffed animal, and heartache.

Thanks Mom and Dad. She thought grimly.

She sighed and snapped the locket shut. She knew she shouldn't be so harsh. It wasn't their choice to die. But couldn't they left her something? Anything? Better question. Did they have anything to give her? Who were they?

She smoothed the baby blue dress Mrs. Barret loaned her. Tonight her foster dad's boss, Mr. Vacker, was coming for dinner and she needed to look presentable. Apparently, Mr. Vacker was bringing his fancy son too. Whoopie.

The doorbell's gentle chimes echoed through the house, which alerted Colleen of their guest's arrival.

"Colleen!" Mrs. Barret's high voice called. "Can you get that?"

Colleen sighed and walked out of the bathroom to the wooden and glass front door. Why couldn't one of the Barrets get the door? It was their guests after all. She was being forced to attend. If it were up to her she would lock herself in her room and go to sleep. As Harry Potter said it, "Pretend I don't exist." She understood why the Barrets wanted her to attend though. They wanted to show she was in the family. Even if she was very temporary. When she opened the heavy door, her gaze met a familiar pair of teal eyes.

"Hello," The teal eyed man smiled. Almost sadly. "I'm Fitz Vacker."

This Chapter was super short but I hope you liked it! The beginning kinda sucks but at least I have something up now. Anyway! Thank you for reading!


Word Count: 1029

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