The Flying Plate Escape- Colleen

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Colleen gapped at the teal eyed man in the stone doorway.

Something about his name was familiar. Vacker. It was as if her brain was trying to remember something but she just couldn't. Grasping for a memory that didn't exist. It made her feel whoozy. 

The teal eyed man, Mr. Vacker, scrunched is eyebrows together in concern. It seemed for a moment that he was going to reach out to steady her, but he restrained. "Are you alright?" he asked her, the confusion evident on his face. 

Colleen barely managed to nod. "Oh yeah just a bit light headed. Nothing to worry about," she assured him in a light tone although she wasn't so certain of that herself. She'd never had her head hurt so much before. It was like someone was pounding it with a stick, which made anything dizzy. Did they have some sort of medication in this house to dull it? Surely they did.

Mr. Vacker didn't look convinced. "Are you sure-"

"Mr. Vacker!" A cheerful voice exclaimed from behind Colleen, which made her headache spike in pain from the squeaky noise. As she glanced up she could make out Mrs. Barret's large figure with her hands outstretched coming toward them. A huge smile on her face. Could she be any more bubbly? 

 "So lovely to see you!" Mrs. Barret exclaimed while giving Mr. Vacker a overexaggerated hug. Colleen wasn't aware those existed till now. "Please come in!"

Colleen wished she could say she just stepped aside but it was more like she clumsily stumbled into the door and almost fell over.  Somewhat thankfully, someone happened to catch her by her arm. Curse her stupid dizziness. She couldn't even see that massive door in her face. 

As she glanced up to apologize to whoever caught her, her gaze met two brown golden flecked eyes, which were attached to a blonde haired boy. A familiar blonde haired boy. 

"Headache?" His strained voice quietly asked her when he pulled her to her feet. His voice reminded her of honey. Deep, sweet, and soothing. Somehow, she had the feeling this wasn't her first time hearing this boy speak. She had the odd sensation that this voice had spoke to her once before. But that's impossible isn't it? She nodded while being unable to unlock her gaze from the boy's golden flecked eyes. Why did these visitors have such beautiful eyes? It made Colleen slightly envious. 

He released her arm without glancing away. The pained expression on his face surely matching her own. Both of them studying each other for some sort of answer to an unspoken question. 

"You must be quite the lady charmer at your school," Colleen noted, breaking the tension between the teens. She wanted to press the boy for a answer about how he knew she had a headache but not in front of the adults. That would just sound weird and awkward. Yes, she wanted answers about why these visitors looked so familiar. But this was a huge deal for the Barret's. For now she needed to play cool.  A slight smirk curled on her lips from his flush of obvious embarrassment. 

"W-what? No no no. I'm not..." the boy stuttered. It made Colleen laugh despite her pounding head.

"Oh Colleen," Mrs. Barret sighed while rolling her gray eyes. "Don't tease the poor boy. He was only being nice." 

Mr. Vacker laughed at his...son? Colleen couldn't remember. "My nephew just gets easily flustered." he assured Mrs. Barret. "Its rather funny actually."

Colleen snickered at the poor boy's red face. From the looks of it he was teased quite profoundly at home.

"Mr. Vacker!" Mr. Barret's loud voice boomed from Colleen's left. He eagerly shook the teal eyed man's hand. "Its good to see you sir. Welcome to our home! This is my wife Maria and our daughter, Colleen."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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