In the Park- Nieven

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"Don't stray from the group," Edaline reminded for the hundredth time that moring. "And please don't attempt to talk to any of the humans. Even if you are a Polygot."

"No purchasing anything either," Grandpa Grady added. "I know Leanna is very capable of getting you guys human currency."

"And please don't go anywhere strange," Edaline begged. "Humans have these things called guns..."

"Edaline!" Nieven wrapped his grandmother in a comforting hug. All morning his grandparents had been freaking out. The counsel had decided to allow the top of the class prodigies in levels four through eight to visit the Forbidden Cities for sixty minutes to learn about the species. Since he was top of level six, he had been selected. He felt knots tangled in his stomach from jitters. And Edaline and Grandpa Grady's nervousness was not helping. "I'm going to be with an adult the entire time. I'll be alright!" He reminded them. 

Grady and Edaline exchanged a worried glance. They had been doing that a lot the past week  since they received the letter notifying them of Nieven's 'field trip'. 

"We know buddy. We're just worried after some of the things that happened to your mom in the Forbidden Cities," Grady explains softly. The mention of Nieven's mother and father was always a gentle subject.

Nieven sighed in exasperation. He appreciated his Grandparent's concern, but he got tired of being constantly compared to his mom wherever he went. When he manifested as a Telepath, everyone assumed the greatest from him. Expected him to be as amazing as his mother, which is strange since he barely knew his mom. He just wanted to be treated normally for once. This field trip was something he accomplished. Not his mom. Him.  Surely, nothing as crazy as what happened to his mom can happen to him. Its just a hour long field trip.

"That was a long time ago," Nieven pointed out, ignoring the mention of his mother. "A lot has changed since then."

"Still," Edaline piped in, clearly eager to change the subject. "It doesn't hurt to be cautious."

"And I will," He kissed his Grandmother's forehead. "I'm not exactly the type to do anything rash anyway."

"Mhm." Grady rolled his eyes at the claim. "Sure."

"Grandpa!" Nieven exclaimed. 

Edaline softly chuckled. Her turquoise eyes shinning with amusement and something softer that Nieven doubted he would ever figure out. "Just be smart, Nieven."

"I will," Nieven assured them with a small smile. Then grabbed his belongings and confidently walked to the leapmaster while calling Foxfire! 

"I love you guys," he reminded them.

He felt the knots in his stomach unravel when they called out, "We love you too."

"Just remember Nieven..." Edaline started. 

Just in time the light whisked him away.


Nieven stood awkwardly beside his best friend Leanna, who was top of level five, in Magnate Leto's giant office. Everyone was shuffling their feet uncomfortably. They had run out of conversation and activities while waiting for the Magnate and mentors. When they first arrived they had all chattered about their outrageous human cloths and what cities they hoped to visit. Impatience had slowly grew in all of them after a hour of waiting though. The excited energy of the group was now replaced by pure boredom and annoyance.   

"Where are they?" Leanna hissed to him for the millionth time. "We've been here forever and I'm really craving custard bursts right about now."

Nieven rolled his eyes, "Mellowmelt is obviously better. I don't understand how you haven't figured that out."

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