9: pouty pep talk

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"So... What? The sun just sinks into the ocean for the next few hours?"

Spinel lifts a brow at the horizon, quite confused with what she was seeing.

She had only seen day and night before, where the sun was either in the sky or gone. Never before has she seen it... half-way in the ocean. What kind of trick is this??

You giggled, pausing your play with your slinky to look up at the gem with a little shrug. "That's what I've gathered over the time that I've stood here." You replied casually. "And to think, it's been doin' this, even BEFORE we were formed!" You look back to the colorful horizon, smiling brighter than the actual sun itself, stars already shining in your eyes. "But it still makes for a magnificent view, even after such a long time! Wouldn't ya say?"

Spinel looked at your cheerful face for a moment before looking back up at the scenery, squinting a bit to fully analyze the image before her.

It really was a magnificent sight.

The unique colors of red, orange, and yellows blended perfectly together with the blues and dashes of indigo of the ever darkening sky, all of which brought out the rich orange color in the half-circle that was the sun, which reflected against the water's rippling surface quite perfectly.

It really was amazing.

"I've... never seen anything like it... that's for sure..." Spinel murmured, almost mesmerized by the view before her. "I... don't even think homeworld could do something as incredible as this." She muttered, more to herself than you. She paused suddenly, prompting you to give a little side glance, watching as she squinted her eyes at her own words before glaring at the horizon. "...Not that'd I would remember that anymore. All I remember is... night..." She pulled her legs upto her chest, wrapping her arms tightly around then. "Endless... nights, I might add."

You fully turn your head to look up at spinel, watching with a frown as she curled in on herself

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You fully turn your head to look up at spinel, watching with a frown as she curled in on herself. She sighs shakily. "I... don't even remember what the diamond palace looks like. It's been so long since I've seen them as well..." There was another pause. "Come to think of it... what... what would they think of me now...? Now that I look like this..." Your frown deepened, spotting a notable shimmer swim into her eye.

"Would they even want me anymore...?"

Oh homeworld no.

"Nuh-uh!" You snapped, storing your slinky into your gem as you sharply rose to your feet, startling spinel. "We will have none of that! No more negative thinking!"


You took a hold of her cheeks, looking her dead in the eyes, your (color) orbs shining with a childish fury.

"If it's one thing I cannot abide, it's when gems with lot of potential don't show it because of the past." You huffed, your thumbs digging subtly into her cheeks. "Yes. you were left behind for 6,000 years. pink has lied to you. but that doesn't mean you're the only one that's been hurt by her."

Spinel blinked, her pupils shrinking slightly, both from surprise and your audacity. "Hey kid... y-you don't-"

"-Understand how you feel? Know what it's like to be stuck in a lie for 6,000 years? well, maybe I don't know much about the 6,000 year part, but I know how you feel. I do. Truly. But ya know what? It's happened. There's no changing that. Pink diamond has left you. And you will have to over come that eventually if you ever wanna be at peace."

"Wha-!? How could I possibly-"

"I am going to help you in any and all ways. No matter what! And I will not tolerate any bad thoughts regarding the past or negative lies about yourself." you pressed your nose into hers, unblinkingly. "You are to count your blessings. Look at the positive side of things."

"What could I-?"

"You're still pretty, you're still flawlessly cut, ya got the grace of a pearl, the tactical knowledge of a peridot, and while it may be through forceful means, you got another chance to regain that love friendship you've sorely missed the last decade."


"FURTHERMORE, you're still a very worthy to be a around

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"FURTHERMORE, you're still a very worthy to be a around. You were just given to the wrong person. It's gonna be a while before you ever find trust in anyone, ESPECIALLY me of all gems, but by the great shining sun, I'll stick with you till the day the stars fall outta the sky! And do you know why? I care about ya. And not because I'm made to do so, but you deserve it. You deserve love. You're worthy of friendship, ms. Spinel. Pink was just to blinded by her need for a stupid colony to see how much of a worthy gem you are. So what she did? It's HER loss. She lost someone that was TRULY a valuable treasure."

You straighten up and cross your arms. "Are we clear on that?"

There was a period of awkward silence between you both, as you simply stood before her with a stern, childish pout while spinels mouth hung open, dumbfounded by the lecture she had received. "uh-"

"GOOD! Now that that's out of the way, we should probably get back to little homeworld and turn in for the night." You look over your shoulder, sneering uneasily at the almost fully set sun. "It could get really creepy at night." With a shudder, you take spinel's hand and pull her onto her feet, offering a sweet little smile. "Come on now, miss spinel. let's skiddadle."

Without waiting for a response, you give her a light tug, and started to walk off the beach, with spinel, surprisingly walking beside you, silently keeping pace.

Unbeknownst to you, spinel was watching you from the corner from her eye, watching as you hummed to yourself, smiling a small, content closed-lipped smile. your face was so serene. So... content.

Spinel didn't want to, but she couldn't help the a little side smile that had formed on her face from it.

For the first time in a long while...

She felt... lighter.

Mildly startled, but lighter.

Woo, newer part.

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