24: something's wrong...

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That night, you both spent the night upstairs in your loft, binge watching (TV show) and (genre) movies and teaching spinel on how to play video games, while snacking on pizza, ice cream and any other snacks you could get your hands on.

While spinel did indeed enjoy her time with you, she couldn't help but still feel troubled for you.

You didn't realize it, but during your night with spinel, you were doing everything with an unsettling amount of fervor; you stared almost unblinkingly at the screen while eating through the snacks with the intensity of a starved animal. It was only after you accidentally bit your finger that you finally snapped out of your trance with a yelp. Now that she somewhat had your attention after 20 minutes of watching you, spinel finally paused her video game to address what she had just seen.

"Geez kid... did ya even taste anythin' ya just scarfed down...?" Spinel finally spoke after a minute of astonishment.

"Y-Yeah! Of course I did, silly!" You said quickly, smiling sheepishly as you waved your finger to alleviate the pain. "Why do you ask?"

Spinel gave you a dry look. "Well, I mean, Gems don't need to eat, but ya practically inhaled a week's worth a' snacks like that pink video game character ya showed me..."

You stared at her for a long time, your smile not leaving your face, but your pupils visibly pinned for a moment. "...I dunno what you're talking about."

Spinel opened her mouth to question you again, but she grunted, shaking her head. "N-Nevermind... just slow it down, would ya? Relax."

You giggled, wiping your mouth off.  "Sure thing, Ms. Spinny!"

Spinel wanted to return the smile, but she was put off by how long your canines actually got...

What's wrong with ya, kid?

That night, spinel had an issue falling asleep.

While it was a pretty fun day, she just couldn't shake the events that happened towards the end.

She already knew that you had a bit of an abrasive side to you, but know that her former playmate could've been the cause to it...?

And the fact you kept brushing it off...

She knew she couldn't sleep until she found some sort of answer... but she knew she wouldn't get any answers from you...

...maybe someone else could though... in fact, she had an idea as to how she'd get some form of context for your behavior.

But she'd have to wait until you slept to enact on her plan...

It took a while, but you thankfully taught her how to be patient. She laid there, her metaphoric ears straining over the soft music you had playing to help you sleep.

After approximately an hour of listening tossing and turning, she finally heard your soft snores, which was her cue to move. Slowly taking off her blanket, she slowly tip-toed her way to the front door, cursing inwardly at her squeaky footsteps, and even more-so at the light creak the door made as she slowly opened it. Thankfully, you were out cold, which allowed her to step outside onto the porch without too much trouble, gently closing the it behind her.

Once she was outside, she let out the breath she didn't even know she was holding, looking around the rather empty village briefly. "That was simple enough... she must be worn out after all that..." She muttered to herself, pulling something out of her gem.

"Now... for the hard part." She muttered, looking down at your phone that she had swiped off your nightstand.

She scrolled a bit, seeing you had many contacts flooking through your contacts. Once she found she was looking for, she let out a short, reluctant huff.

"Alright... don't fail me now."

She murmured, pressing Pearl's contact.

♡Give it a chance!☆ Hinedere spinel x "Deredere" spinel readerWhere stories live. Discover now