17: little homeschool: forge class

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"I don't know about this, kid."

"Aw, come on! Don't be shy, miss spinel! It'll be great!"

You were beaming as you lead a very reluctant spinel towards a large sign that read LITTLE HOMESCHOOL in big, bold letters, and gestured to it happily. "Here, not only will you learn more about earthly cultures, but you can make a new beginning for yourself! Forge a new identity!"

"New identity?" Spinel lifts her brow.

"Find their true calling." You elaborated. "You know, gems were made and assigned to specific jobs. Like quartz being soldiers, lapis lazulis being terreformers, all of that. But now, gems can choose to be whatever they wish!"

Spinel had a faint glimmer flicker across her eyes. "Oh... that sounds... kinda cool I guess." She then frowns slightly. "But... what if they... like their job?" You shrugged, smiling easily. "Then... they use it for good! Like a quartz soldier can still have a job as a guard, and a lazuli can make land for new plants!"

Spinel felt a small, unwitting grin creep up her face as she toyed with the idea. "...alright, kid. Ya got me."

With a bounce and clap, you took her hand into yours. "Then come on, miss spins! We're burning daylight!"

With that you bounded happily into the little homeschool's threshold, spinel following behind with a dim, but still visible grin on her face.

"Okay, so first up, we have blacksmithing! Taught by bismuth!"

You stepped halfway in and gestured inside, in which spinel hesitantly poked her head in. Her eyes scanned the small enclosure and her face soured at the sight of the industrial-metal themed class. "...Eeeuw." Spinel muttered, sneering uneasily. This place makes that old garden look like a colorful playground. "Kinda grim lookin' if ya ask me, kiddo."

"Oh, Don't be shy! Come on, let's try it!"

You ushered her in, catching the attention of the familiar periwinkle professor of the class, who gives a bright, cheerful smile at the sight of you both. "Hey! Lil' stretch!" Her eyes trailed to your pink companion, and she tilts her head. "Is that the newbie?"

You giggled. "Heya, bizzy! This is Spinel!" You gestured to her cheerily. "This is her first time at little homeschool!"

Spinel blinked. "Wait, hold up-- You know each other??"

"Well yeah!" Bismuth replied with a chuckle. "(Name) and I go WAAAY back!"

Spinel narrowed her eyes at this, her gaze slowly trailing to your small form. "...really."

"W-well..." You smiled uneasily, giving a sheepish shrug. "I-I wouldn't say that far..."

"Why not?" Bismuth grinned her signature smile. "We met even before that the rebellion! And she was just as, maybe even more of a renegade than rose was!" She paused. "Pink? Rose? Can't decide what to call her now." She chuckled in her usual jolly manner as she made her way over to a large nearby canister filled with weaponry. "After all, you were probably the only spinel at the time to make this beauty!"

She suddenly pulled out a rather small, thin scythe. Its curved, silver blade and (color) metal (symbol) glinting subtly in the dim lighting.

 Its curved, silver blade and (color) metal (symbol) glinting subtly in the dim lighting

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(I know it's a star, but you can pretend it's something else. You know that. ;3)

"O-oh...!" You felt a ball of ice form in your chest at the sight of the weapon, and you find yourself biting your lip. "I-I-I though you lost that old thing decades ago..."

Bismuth laughed. "What? And lose this impressive piece of art made by a spinel?"

Spinel lifted her brow in interest. "She made that?"

"She sure did!" She twirls it in her hand, smirking in satisfaction at the lightness. "Not bad a bad first attempt for an era 1 spinel, am I right? She almost made it look easy!" She poked at the blade gently. "Handle grip's a bit small, but it's a perfect weapon for smaller gems!" She looks over at you both beaming, completely oblivious to your tension. "You know I used this as an example for every class for newcomers? The little gems love this!"

Your lip quivered as you tried to hold your smile up. "Ahaha, miss biz... y-you're too kind..." you took spinel's hand and tried to walk towards the door with her. "Well, we better get goin' before-"

Her hand suddenly pulled away. "Just a minute, squirt."

She stares at the weapon a bit longer, interest glimmering in her eyes. "Lemme have a look at that thing."

"Well..." Bismuth was understandably hesitant. But when her eyes flickered between you and her, she seemed to have relaxed a bit. "Alright. Just be careful."

She hands her the silver scythe, and spinel hummed in satisfaction as she gripped the squishy handle, easily holding it up in one hand. "Oh wow... not bad, kid..."

She runs a finger across the blade

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She runs a finger across the blade. "Yeah. Even with a blade as big as this, you still managed to to somehow make it lighter than that rejuvenator."

"Well... I... figured it... should be usable for both big and small gems." You muttered, rubbing the back of your head bashfully.

Spinel snickers, spinning the blade gracefully. "Pretty cool."

You giggled in a cartoonishly goofy fashion, your blush darkening and spreading across your face. "Y-you're too kind..."

"Hey, lil bit! Tell ya what, next class starts in a few minutes," Bismuth places a hand onto your shoulder. "Why don't you stay and assist me in teaching a thing or two about the art of being a scythesmith! I can squeeze your friend in as a guest if ya want as well!"


"Yeah... I... I like the sound a' that." Spinel grinned. There was a slightly dark, but relatively playful shimmer in it as she twirled the weapon again. "Wouldn't mind getting tips on how to make a few new toys like these."

You blinked, mildly taken aback from the pink gem's approval. You didn't think she'd be so quick to agree to a first time class so quickly, let alone one that was ran by one of Pink's oldest teammates.

But, who are you to turn down a chance to teach spinel a new hobby? After all, this'll be a good way to meet new friends!

"O-okay!" You beamed happily. "I think I still remember a few things from my first attempt."

Bismuth's bright smile returned. "Great! I'll go get everything set up!"

"Never told me you made weapons..." Spinel muttered, giving you a subtle side eyed glare.

You simply giggled in a vaguely cheery manner. "Sometimes ignorance is bliss, miss spinel."

♡Give it a chance!☆ Hinedere spinel x "Deredere" spinel readerWhere stories live. Discover now