2: Alternative options..

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The pink gem stared down at you, wide eyed with her mouth partially opened.

Like she couldn't believe what was happening right now.

After a minute, she suddenly threw her head back and broke out into a fit of hysterical, near manic laughter. "BWAHAHAHAHA!! OHOHOH MAN! THIS IS HYSTERICAL!" She xclaimed, voice on the boarder of hysteria as she clapped a hand to her forehead. "Some stupid little pebble thinks she can stop ME from doing what needs to be done! HAHAHAHA! HOW CUTE!" She regards you with a disdainful grin, still chuckling in manic scorn in her throat as her neck extends down to your face level, until her nose almost brushes yours. "Listen, runt. I don't know who ya think ya are, comin' here and telling me right from wrong... But I don't care. so I'll tell ya this; you'd better toddle along and mind your own business or I'll MAKE YA."


She studied your body language in surprise. You didn't move. Your face didn't falter. You didn't even tremble. You just stared up at her with shiny (color) eyes staring into her magenta ones. There was an almost expectant glint in them.

were you calling her bluff..?

"D-didn't ya hear me?? I said BEAT IT!" In a sudden bluster of frustrated desperation, she reels back a comically large fist and swings at you, aiming you punch your lights out, but to her complete shock, you simply take and extended step backwards, narrowly missing her enlarged fist. This causes her to spin out of balance from the force of the punch and fall back onto her rear. You step back up to her and clasp your hands behind your back, peering down innocently at her.


She looks up at you with a snarl, but you continue to speak, unfazed. "This isn't the right. This planet's people, including that boy there," You point to where Steven stood, completely stunned silent from the events unfolding, "Didn't do anything to you." the pink gem scoffed loudly, rising to her feet and steeling you with a raw look of disgust and spite. "Aw, so we got a sweet little fan of Steven Universe and his stupid planet, Hm?" She mocked in a syrupy voice, patting your head roughly. "How cute. But unlike you, I don't give a flip about this stupid rock of a planet OR it's people," She spat 'people' out in a mockery of your voice. "Nor do I care about what I do to that boy there." She mocked yet again mimicking your point. "So... really, you just wasted a..." She looks down at her wrist as if there was a watch there. "...A good amount of time, now... your pathetic little self couldn't stop me, even if you tried!" A jolt of pride surged through her chest as she saw your head drop with a seemingly hurt look on your face. "Y-you're right..." You mutter, earning a low chuckle from the wayward gem before you. "I can't beat you by myself. Even if I did try." You then look up at her, and suddenly an uncharacteristically dark undertone etched itself into your face.

"But the diamonds could."

"Oooooohhhh snap!" You give a side glance to amethyst, who almost seemed entertained by the events before her, as she clasped a hand to her mouth, eyes wide in shock. Pearl hurriedly shushes her while you look back at the pink gem in front of you. It takes all your willpower to not smirk at the horror filled look in her widened eyes. "...Y-you wouldn't dare...." She mutters lowly. "H-how would they believe some bite-sized loser like you anyway?!" You raise your head, lips pursed in an almost cocky manner as you tottered slowly around the rigid pink gem. "Well... maybe my sudden appearance will be unexpected... but... all's it takes is a little bit of this." You stop between the crystal gems and the manic gem, and shut your eyes, taking a deep breath.

Suddenly they burst open, mirroring the perfect look of fear and confusion as you clasping your hands around your pigtails, tugging at them to mimic panic. "MY DIAMONDS! COME QUICK!" Your voice, perfectly mimicking the sound of genuine, fear and hysteria ran out, almost echoing off the light house. "IT'S STEVEN! HE IS IN BIG DANGER!!"

Everyone jumped back, startled at how realistic it sounded as you started to trembling, clamping your hands over your eyes, playing out your frantic bout of fear filled panic. "OH PLEASE COME QUICK! A ROUGE GEM HAS REBELLED AGAINST THE PEACE HE HAS ESTABLISHED! AND NOW THEY'RE GOING TO TRY TO KILL STEVEN AND HIS PLANET!!" Spinel's eyes went wide as you fall to your knees before the pink gem, clasping your hands together in front of you into a pleading stance. And as a finishing touch, you make yourself look as pitiful as possible by dilating your pupils into sad (color) pits of desperation, complete with a subtle shake in your lip and voice. "Please hurry... I don't know how much time is left! Please... SAVE HIM!!" You stare up at her, holding your puppy eyed for a moment, letting her drink in your perfect perception of fear and desperation, before shutting your eyes for a moment, reopening them to reveal a mischievous shine in them. a little grin enlightens your face, along with a little snicker before you rise to your feet, clasping your hands behind your back again, rocking back and forth on your heels innocently. "Surely THAT would back them jump from their thrones quicker than a comet hurtling through space..."

You ou then feigned the look of wonderment, looking up like you were thinking. "..Knowing that Mr. Universe is the only thing left of their diamond. She perished once." You refocus your pupils back onto hers and tip your head to the side. "Do you think they'd let her perish again?"

The pink gem before you trembles in... some kind of... emotions.




An almost deranged smile stretches her lips, and a low growl emanated from her throat. "You... you're a cheeky little pebble, aren't ya?" Her voice was soft and menacing, freezing your chest suddenly. "You really are somethin' kiddo. You got a lot of gall to be pullin' this sort of tomfoolery on me! Not bad, I must say..." She sounded ominous, and you suddenly feel a surge of unease. "In fact.. I think I'm gonna reward ya..." She suddenly reaches upto her gem and pulls something out of it. "I was saving this for the final act... but since you're such a special guest..." She presses a button on the object and in a flash of pink light, a massive glowing pink scythe flashes into existence, sparking with an unknown energy. However, it only takes you a second to know on what it is. "YOU GET THE V.I.P PASS!" She suddenly lunges at you, scythe swinging gracefully in her grip, raising it up and aiming at your face.

To her utter shock, you instinctively shot your arms up, and in the star's luck, successfully grasped the handle of the dreaded weapon. "HEY! LET GO, BRAT!" from there, the both of you engaged in a battle for dominance over the scythe, tugging, thrashing and spinning every which way to get full control.

 "HEY! LET GO, BRAT!" from there, the both of you engaged in a battle for dominance over the scythe, tugging, thrashing and spinning every which way to get full control

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Steven's eyes widened as the wayward gem closed in on your small form, reaching for you. "NO, WAIT-!" The pink gem turned to face the boy, a furious sneer on her face. "STAY OUTTA THIS, UNIVERSE!!" She bellowed before trying to shake you off the tool while you clung stubbornly onto it. Pearl and amethyst summon their weapons, and prepare to advance on the distracted gem, but firm hands grasped their shoulders. "Don't. She's fine." Pearl swings her head to the fusion, in bewildered anger.

"Garnet!? Look at her! That gem our needs help!" Garnet shook her head calmly, bringing a hand to her visor and adjusted them, a shine sliding across them. "She's got this." Pearl blinked incredulously. "Clearly she-"

"GAAH!!" A sharp cry brought the gems' attention back to the crystal gems. What they saw shocked them..

Spinel was suddenly in a hunched, defensive stance while you stood in front of her, pidgeon-toed stone still, wide-eyed as the scythe sparked and crackled in your grip...

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