11: a relaxing morning

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Next morning, you awaken to the sounds of chirping birds and the sun steaks that shone through your window lighting your face. You of course hummed and smiled to yourself. another lovely day. You sat up in your bed and stretched your arms over your head with a yawn. And today is a new day with my new best friend!

You flinch internally remembering the events of last night. Golly, I hope she's okay after that... You slipped out of bed and prepared your morning routine of freshening yourself up; namely straightening your pigtails out and polishing your gem, while you thought about the events of last night. I mean... being poofed by the diamonds.. gosh, that's a scary nightmare to have! Especially when you know where she came from...

You make your way down the stairs, with a contemplating look on your features. I wonder if she's even up to go out today... I'd understand if she didn't, because she must not want to be out in-

"'Bout time ya got up, kiddo."

"EEP!" you squeaked with a little jump as you whipped in surprise to see spinel, already awake reclining on your couch with her feet on your coffee table, with her hands laced over her belly. "Oh! Good morning miss spinel!" you chirped, mildly surprised. "Gosh, you're up awful early." You giggled lightly, before tilted your head slightly at a sudden thought comes to mind. "We're... you waitin' for me?" Spinel stared for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly, lacing her hands behind her head. "Eh. Still don't know my way around this place. So might as well wait for... the one who knows her way around, ya know?" Her voice was a lot lighter and more relaxed, though it did have a bit of a dry a dry undertone in it. Though it was still a very welcome change in comparison to the previously terse, bitterness it once carried. You smiled joyfully offering a playful wink. "Ya got me there, ms. Spinel!" You giggled softly, making your way over to the kitchen. "Do you want anything for breakfast, miss spinel?" Spinel brought a hand to her chin, narrowing her eyes slightly in thought. "...I think I'll take those things you made me last time. The same way as before." You nodded in affirmation. "Chocolate chip pancakes it is then!" you chirped happily, making your way over to the fridge.

As you gather your materials, you hear Spinel get off the couch and make her way over to the counter, her footsteps making the faintest of squeaks, as she took a seat on the bar stool. Kind of unusual, but you didn't pay that too much mind as you hummed lightly to yourself measuring out the ingredients for today's breakfast.

She stretched her neck to watch your process over your shoulder with curious eyes as you effortlessly stirred the ingredients without so much as spilling a single drop, all the while whistling a tune you heard a from a steamboat cartoon.

"Who taught ya all that?"

"Hum?" You look over your shoulder at spinel, slightly surprised by the sudden break in silence. She retracted her neck to its regular length, and gestured to your current task. "All that stuff. Where'd ya learn it from?"

You hummed softly for a second. "Well, for the most part, I learned everything from earth's TV programs." You shrugged. "You know earth's TV has got almost every channel for all your earthly needs?"

Spinel's expression soured slightly. "...Not til' now."

Your smile faltered slightly at the bitterness that flashed briefly in her eyes, and you again felt a wave of sympathy for the pink gem. "Ah... well... I could teach you how ta do this stuff, ya know." You flashed a kind smile to her, before turning back to focus on the pancakes in the skillet. "It's pretty easy once ya get the hang of it. And it's also kinda fun!" Spinel tipped her head to aside, lifting her brow in skepticism. "Is that right?"

"It is!" you giggled, effortlessly flinging the pancakes onto a plate that was balanced on your hand with the perfect balance of waitress. "Cooking is like earth; there's so many things to learn!" twirled gracefully and set the plate down in front of her as well as a bottle of syrup, not noticing her utterly baffled expression. "Different ingredients, different techniques, different flavors!" You turn to her, your eyes more shiny than the stars in the night sky. "Doesn't that sound exciting??" Spinel blinked, slowly grabbing the syrup and drizzling it over her pancakes. "...sounds confusing."

You giggled, spinning cheerfully to your fridge. "Well, no worries! Your best friend (name) will guide you though it!" You exclaimed cheerfully, flinging the door open. Spinel, despite herself, snickered lightly in amusement at your cheerfulness as she grabbed her silverware. "Whateva ya say, kid." only to have your smile falter subtly in disappointment. "...Aw phooey." You pouted, your eyes skimming the fridge's contents again to confirm yourself. "We're out of milk." You grunted softly at the inconvenience, but sighed dismissively, grabbing a cartoon of orange juice. "Guess we'll have to go orange juice for today." Spinel looks up from her breakfast, syrup dribbling down the side of her mouth. "Orange juice?" She asked through the food in her mouth. "What's that??"

You blinked subtly, unsure of how to explain it yourself. "...uhm... it's orange juice." You repeated slowly with a shrug. "Uhm... liquid that comes out of... oranges? an earth... fruit?" She stares deeply at you with a lifted brow, before swallowing the breakfast in her mouth. "They named a food after its color?" She sounded completely confused. You shrugged again in response, earning a snicker from the gem. "What a world you live in." You giggled as well, grabbing a glass. "Yeah, there's some whacky stuff here on earth," you admitted, pouring her drink and setting it beside her. "But it's those things that add to this planet's uniqueness!" You pour yourself a glass and set the carton aside. Spinel hummed quietly in response, taking the glass and taking a long sip at her drink. "How do you like it?" You asked, a slight glimmer flashing in your eye. When she finished her sip, her face scrunched slightly as she glowered at the glass in suspicion. "Eeuck... it's a little bit sour..." you giggled sheepishly with another shrug. "Sorry bout that. when I go shopping, I'll make sure to get some more more milk-"

"Shopping?" spinel asked, with a tip of her head. "What's shopping?"

At this question, a small smile creeps across your face.

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