16: Worried

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That night, spinel had trouble trying to fall asleep. She tossed, she turned, she fluffed her pillow, she even tried to 'count sheep' like you advised her, but she just couldn't enter dreamland.

For some reason, she just couldn't get herself to relax. Giving up on trying, spinel grunted and sat up, rubbing her temples in frustration. "I don't even need to sleep... and yet here I am tryin' to." She slumped and pressed her fingers together, trying to think on what to do to pass the time. She looks up at the loft, where she heard the faintest of snoring. "...hmph."

Then, for whatever reason, she slowly gets up and carefully stands up on the couch, making sure to keep her shoe squeak to a minimum as she stretches herself high enough to see your small form nestled in your bed. She squints in the moon's faint light, in some vain, unwitting attempt to find some kind of clue.

 She squints in the moon's faint light, in some vain, unwitting attempt to find some kind of clue

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But of course, she couldn't find anything. You looked just as peaceful and unassuming as you always did.

But, she knew that somewhere under that adorable exterior, was a darker nature, taking the form of those dastardly ringed eyes.

Question is, when did it manifest? Better yet, how long have you been restraining it?

...wait, why should she care about that?

She groaned, retracting her legs and neck back to their normal length and slumped into the couch. "Dang it, kid..." she grumbled, laying onto her back and pressing both hands into her face. "Look at what you're doin' ta me..."


"Miss spinny..."

"Mmn... hm?"

Spinel awoke to a light prodding at her cheek, and slowly opened her eyes squinting against the brightness that filled the hut, and managed to make out your shape looming over her, looking as smiley as ever. Though it appeared to be a bit muted for some reason. "You were a bit hard to wake up there. You okay?"

Even if she didn't need sleep, she still felt that dreaded groggy feeling from the lack of it. She brought her hands upto her face, groaning loudly into her palms. "That's your fault, kid..." she rumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "If you'd just stay outta my head-"

"Say wha?"

"Ah- er... just... stuff." She quickly corrected herself. It's bad enough that you've obviously got something wrong with you, but thing she needed was for you to know that she spent all night worrying about it. She really didn't want to talk about it. Especially with you. "...just... stuff goin' on in my head."

"Oh..." you tilted your head subtly, eyes flashing in curiosity. "...what kinda stuff?"


"Stuff that ain't any of your business, kid." She snapped in a snarky voice, making you flinch and lean back. "Right, of course." You grunted with a barely visible scowl, shutting your eyes tightly as you backed up from her with an annoyed exhale through your nose. Spinel herself flinched at realizing how terse she sounded, feeling jolt of unease at your darkened expression. She suddenly found herself sitting up with an apologetic expression. "Uh- I-I... didn't mean to sound-"

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