Chapter 10: REBIRTH

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Audio titled: LOVE IS...



Wu Xie and Zhang Qi Ling had just gotten into line when the man at the podium yelled 'next' and they suddenly found themselves at the front of the line. They watched as the large wooden doors opened slowly and a light so bright it should have blinded them fell upon them, but instead of squinting and flinching away, the two men walked calmly toward it.

Just as they crossed the threshold, Wu Xie pulled Zhang Qi Ling to a stop by their still threaded fingers. The dark haired man looked down in confusion only to find himself yanked forward, Wu Xie's lips claiming his own, his warm tongue begging for entrance which Zhang Qi Ling readily gave. Soon, fingers wound into dark brown locks and Wu Xie's hands ran up Zhang Qi Ling's covered chest until his fingers gripped the ink black strands above Zhang Qi Ling's shirt collar. Wu Xie turned his head to the side, breaking the kiss.

"I'll see you soon, Xiao ge."

Zhang Qi Ling gave a curt nod and pressed a chaste kiss to Wu Xie's reddened lips. "Of course, you will." He took Wu Xie's hand in his own and together they walked into the light as the heavy doors slid closed.

The words 'I love you' echoed throughout the courthouse, causing a thousand souls to pause before they moved on with their business.


Sometimes in the future...

The black haired toddler wiggled relentlessly in her arms as the young mother walked purposefully down the long hall, her heels tapping rhythmically against the marble floors. She heard the party noises float up from the ballroom and she sighed when the nursery came into sight.

Her husband was throwing an extravagant party for several of his business associates and her son had previously been napping and would now join the visiting children in the 'play' nursery.

"Mine, Mine, Mine..." the boy demanded in her arms and she smiled and kissed his chaotic mass of black hair.

"Soon, Qi Ling, Mine is in the nursery. You'll get him as soon as we get there, now hold still for mommy." His black eyes stares blankly at her suspiciously but the boy settled in her arms.

Zhang Qi Ling's favorite toy was a little stuff dog he called 'Mine'. At first they just thought he was showing his possessive streak a little early but soon they realized that the little animal's name Zhang Qi Ling's eyes was actually 'Mine'. Now, that's not to say that Zhang Qi Ling didn't show his possessiveness over the stuffed dog. On contrary, she and Zhang Qi Ling had been kicked out... well, asked politely and firmly... to leave several 'Mommy and Me' groups when her three-year-old son had reacted... aggressively... to some other child touching his 'Mine'.

She pushed open the doors to the nursery and to her horror, sitting right in the middle of the room was a dark brown-haired child of three rolling on the floor with a familiar stuffed dog, his giggles filling the room and his wet kisses gumming the soft fur of Zhang Qi Ling's 'Mine'.

She looked slowly at her son to gauge his reaction and saw his little eyes were wide and his mouth hung open and then his struggles against her hold resumed in force and he screamed, "Mine! Mine! MINE!!!" Finally, unable to hold him, she sat him to the floor with every intention of holding his arm. Unfortunately as soon as his feet touched the floor, he shook her off and sprinted as fast as his short legs would carry him to the little boy whose bright brown eyes were drawn from the dog in all of the commotion.

She watched, totally frozen, and waited for the inevitable while frantically inventing excuses in her mind for why her husband's new partner's son was a screaming and perhaps bleeding mess.

Zhang Qi Ling reached the small dark brown haired boy and stopped before yelling firmly once more, "MINE!" and then ripped the dog from the boy's hands and threw it uncaringly across the room. Before his mother could comprehend his next move, Zhang Qi Ling fell to his knees and threw his arms around the smiling dark brown haired toddler and said again and again, "Mine, mine, mine..."

The small dark brown haired boy smiled brightly, his little white teeth shining and he hugged the black-haired toddler back.


***The End

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The End

Author's Note: I would like to have this opportunity to thank everyone who stars and read this story. Without you, there wouldn't be this story, no Wu Xie and Zhang Qi Ling. So, thank you for the support that you given me 🤗. And I decided to write another story. I hope you will read it. Once again, thank you.

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