The Miracle

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The Miricle

⚠Trigger Warning⚠

//Warnings: mentions of infertility, mentions of miscarriages, mentions of sex but no smut, childbirth, a little sad at the beginning but happy ending, very very long

//Request: nope, just another writing prompt of mine

// Things to know: Y/e/c: your eye color// Y/n: your name// Y/S/t: your skin tone


The first time you miscarried, you and Tommy tried to push the hurt and the sadness aside and focus on being positive, you were still fairly young and lord knows that you have more than enough energy to go at it more than once so it'd only be a matter of time until you became pregnant again. So a few weeks after your miscarriage, after you healed physically, and prepared yourself mentally and emotionally, you and Tommy had a passionate night filled with soft caresses, loving words whispered into ears, and an overall amazing night on yours and Tommy's shared bed.

The second time you miscarried, you cried into your husband's chest, insisting something was wrong with you. "Tommy I mean it! My-My grandmother, she had trouble conceiving multiple times! What if I've got wot she's got?" You sobbed, "what if I can't give you the family you want?" You and Tommy both wanted a big family, it was one of the first things he told you when you got married. Tommy just held you close, kissing your forehead. "Sweet'eart, look at me, aye, look at me." He held your wet, sticky cheeks in his hands as he looked you in your eyes, "Even if that's the case, and you do have what your grandmother had, then you will conceive eventually love. Your grandmother eventually had your mum right?" He stated, leaning his forehead against yours. You nodded in reply, the tears slowing down slightly. "You'll conceive eventually love, but we can't loose hope."

The third time you miscarried, you had to go through the pain and the sadness alone. Thomas was busy with business, he took a few weeks off to be there for you but unfortunately he had to get back to running the Peaky Blinders. You were laid back in the hospital bed, being Mrs. Shelby gave you your own personal space and your own room in the hospice. Tears silently ran down your cheeks as you held your now empty stomach. They had to get rid of it to save your life. The doctors had said. The baby was already lost, but it was making you sickly, the doctors had to go in and remove it before it killed you. You sniffled, eyes stuck on the ceiling, not flinching when the door to your room was opened slowly, and two pairs of footsteps were heard. "The, doctor says we can take you home now love.." Arthur's deep drawl echoed around the room, him and John fiddled with their Peaky caps nervously when you didn't reply.

Arthur and John shared a concerned look before John took a few steps forward, keeping them slow as he approached you. Once he reached your bedside, he reached for your shoulder and helped you sit up slowly, whispering a "come on love" as he did. Once you were up, they got a better look at you, and they both kept quiet at how pale you looked and about how dark the circles under your y/e/c were. The two blinders helped you through the hospital, both on either side of you as you kept your gaze on the floor.

Finn was leaning against the car door, smoking before he hurriedly stamped it out when he saw you. The young boy froze seeing how...dead you looked. He had never seen you look so sick before, so this came as a surprise to him. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze as his brothers helped you into the car. "Sit with 'er Finn, John'll drive." Arthur muttered into his youngest brother's ear, getting into the passenger seat. Finn sat next you, holding onto your hand the whole way home, as he filled the silent car with small talk, trying to distract you for the moment.

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