The Hiccups

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The Hiccups 

Warnings// None! Maybe slight cussing but that's Arthur for you. Mainly fluff and over all cuteness. References to reader being bigger in some places, mainly the stomach area

Requested// Yes! This person requested this imagine and wished to stay anonymous.

[ "Can I have one with Arthur where the reader has a really bad case of the hiccups and arthur finds it really cute so he cuddles with her and they watch her stomach because it spasms when she hiccups and then they just listen to her hiccups and watch her stomach and it's all fluffy and cute"]

Things to Know//  Due to the She/her pronouns used, reader will be female, the normal things as before, expect slight cussing, prepare to be awed by Arthur's slight softness. 

As for the lovely person who requested this imagine, I hope you enjoy it! It may be a little different than you had requested but I tried to stay as close to it as possible while keeping Arthur in character. thank you so much for requesting this imagine and I hope you request more in the future! This one was fun to make!



     A soft snort came from across the room as the soft sound of the turning of a newspaper's pages being turned followed. "It's not bloody funny Arthur! They cause my bloody chest to burn!" Your voice was quick to snap back, having been awoken by the sudden jerk of motion that had followed your unconscious hiccup. Your husband was laying next to you, eyes skimming a newspaper in his hands as he leaned back against the headboard. This was the most relaxed you had ever seen him. And that says a lot coming from someone who married into an all-work-and-no-play family. "HIC-cup! God damnit!" Arthur felt his lips curling upwards as the bed had once again shifted with you as your body jerked due to the sudden intake and exhale of breath that caught in your throat. "I told you not to eat so fast love." He stated, turning his head slightly to look toward you.

     You huffed in response. "I did no-HICcup-ot eat too fast!" You exclaimed, snapping your head in Arthur's direction, an offended look appearing on your face. Arthur chuckled lowly as he set the newspaper down, rolling over until he went face-first into your stomach. "Mm really? Then what's this food baby doin' here? Hmm? Because I know for a fact I didn't put that there..." He held a slight smirk on his face as he looked up at you, lips lightly tracing your stomach. "OI-hiccup! That's enough of that!" You swatted at his head, cheeks rushing with heat as he peppered loving kisses on your skin. He quickly stopped though when he felt your stomach ripple under his lips after the hiccup left your mouth. His eyes filled with amusement as he watched your body jerk due to your unfortunate case of the hiccups. He found his enjoyment in the parts where there was more meat than bone.

His eyes danced across your thighs, your hips, your stomach. All the parts that had a jiggly aftershock due to the almost violent jerks your body forced itself to go through along with the hiccups. You knew he was obsessed with your body, he held a particular liking to your stomach and your thighs, he had said so after he married you, and drunken love confessions spilled from his lips that night. After another violent hiccup, Arthur's eyes stayed on your stomach, he gave a small pout, hands quickly working your nightclothes upwards, causing you to flail for a moment as you basically squawked at him. "OI! What in the-HICCUP bloody hell are you d-hiccup-doing!?" Your face and neck were now on fire as you fumbled with your husband, trying to keep your modesty hidden. Arthur paid no mind, fighting back with you, finally managing to lift your night clothes up and leaving them over your head to quiet you down. "Quiet woman. Let me admire you."

You quickly went still, freeing yourself from your cloth prison. "Wha-" "I can't admire you if your squawking at me like a fuckin' bird now can I love? So why not be a good girl and quiet down for me yeah?" He nodded once in total confidence, letting his eyes wander back down towards your stomach. He quickly tapped at your sides, urging you to "Hurry up and make that noise again, love." as he did so. "Arthur, that's not hiccups wo-hiccup-ork!" His eyes didn't move from your stomach as it jiggled along with the jerk your body went through, your mouth dropping open in surprise as you caught on to what Arthur was doing. "A-Arthur! You can't just-" Another hiccup erupted from your throat, cutting the rest of your sentence off, hands coming down to put against Arthur's face which hovered over your stomach. 

     "Wot? I told you I wanted to admire ya didn' I? Why won't you let me admire in peace, you bloody woman?" He grumbled, pushing against your hands to try and stay as close to your body as he could. A giggle escaped your lips, hiccups rushing through your open mouth, Arthur quickly making your hands away from his face and looking back down at your stomach as it jiggled. He seemed to be almost in a trance-like state when it came to watching your skin and body as it jerked with each offensive noise that escaped your mouth. "Fuckin' beautiful you are..." He muttered quietly, once again pressing his lips against the soft skin of your stomach. He wouldn't admit it, while Arthur did have his romantic moments; this being one of them, but he did enjoy waking early in the morning to you. The sun was barely up in the sky, your warmth close by as he would be able to pull you into his arms and bury his face into your neck. Just the two of you, no stupid Tommy bursting in like he owned the place, (not that he would anymore, you were quick to make sure Tommy knew his place when it came to entering your home at ungodly hours by just walking in. Arthur swore he had never laughed so much then when it came to you scolding his brother at two in the morning in nothing more than your nightclothes and a scowl on your lips.). 

     But he was content right where he was. Silently laughing at your hiccups and letting his lips and hands feel your skin as it jerked under him every so often due to them. No Thomas, no business, no killing. Just him and you. You and him. You had now settled down, shaking your head softly at his antics, opting to just run your fingers through his messy bedhead hair. Arthur was calm and relaxed. He enjoyed admiring your body when he was able to, and it only made him happier when he was able to see which parts jiggled when they moved. He secretly thanked God for giving you the hiccups that morning.

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