Finn's Royal Girl

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Finn's Royal Girl

Warnings// Mentions of sex, slight cussing, but nothing too bad, mostly sweet, Tommy

being a bit rude, very long

Requested// nope. Another writing of mine, but I did read something ,like this from a different writer on Tumblr and liked the idea that she had written, I don't think I've copied anything she wrote

Things you should know// Y/f/n: Your first name// Y/l/n: Your last name// Y/n/n: Your nickname// Y/b/t: Your body type//


"I'm sorry, you wot?" Polly looked towards her nephew in surprise and confusion as she asked her question, not believing her ears. A deep blush crawled up Finn's cheeks and settled over his ears as he nervously squeezed his cap in his hands, minding the razor blades that were sewn into it. "I-I'm seeing a girl Pol...and-and she's a...she's a royal..." His voice got quieter the more he spoke, nervous about what his aunt was going to say.

Finn felt bad for keeping your relationship a secret, he didn't want to of course, and you constantly had to reassure him that you didn't mind if he told his family about you or not. He was the one who told you that he didn't want you feeling like you were some dark secret or that he was ashamed of you so he finally worked up the courage to at least tell his aunt about you. His only concern was how his brothers would take the news.

Polly licked her lips before taking a deep inhale of the toxic smoke before exhaling slowly. She looked up at her nephew, eyebrows drawn in close, other hand curling against her arm. "Well, who is she then?" She asked, tone still holding traces of confusion and surprise in it. At her question, Finn started to think that maybe he should have waited a little bit later before telling her the news.

"Y/f/n Y/l/n...Princess Y/f/n Y/l/n..." Seeing his aunt's face drain of color and mouth drop open in shock made him stutter to a stop. "Y/f/n Y/l/n..? The king's brother's daughter? You're courting that Y/f/n Y/l/n?" Neither of them seemed to notice that Polly had dropped her cigarette into her tea cup due to her surprise.  Finn cleared his throat, sitting down across from his aunt, nodding his head as he did. "I am." He answered. Polly seemed to be shocked to silence. She didn't know what to say to what her nephew had just said. Finn flicked his tongue over his lips nervously, placing his cap onto the table beside him.

"I love 'er Pol..." He said quietly, fiddling with his fingers. Polly looked up at her him in surprise, pushing her soiled cup of tea away from her. She seemed to have her thoughts back together again and she cleared her throat. "And does she love you?" Finn nodded, another blush covering his cheeks as he opened his mouth. "We told each other how we felt a few weeks ago.." He said shyly, looking towards his aunt. "Weeks...? Just 'ow long 'ave the two of yous been together?" Finn was about to answer before he heard the front door open, and his brother's loud voices filtered through out the home.

"We're 'ome Pol!" Arthur spoke, his accent drifting more towards the thick side words slurred together slightly. Polly gave Finn a hard look. "I think it's time you told them as well love." she said quietly, not noticing Tommy, the second oldest brother walking in behind her. At her words, Tommy stuck his hands into his pockets, blue eyes flickering between his aunt and his younger brother in question. "Tell us what Pol?" His question seemed more like a statement, not liking not knowing something. Finn froze as Polly sighed, lighting another cigarette and taking a drag.

Tommy wasn't a very patient man ever since he came home from the war, and he quickly cleared his throat pointedly, taking a few steps forward. "Tell us what...Pol." Polly, never one to take his shit, kept quiet with a small smirk, still looking towards her youngest nephew, waiting for him to speak. "Erm..." Poor Finn was tripping over his words, nervousness flooded his system, even worse than it did for his aunt and his eyes caught Tommy's whose gaze was already burning into him. Finn flinched slightly before swallowing thickly. "I'm seein' a girl Tom..." It seemed like Tommy could tell Finn was still hiding something and remained silent, face blank of any emotion, he didn't even look surprised, not like his other brothers who whistled at Finn's confession.

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