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WHEN ISABELLE WOKE UP, she was in a comfortable bed in a house with wooden white walls

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WHEN ISABELLE WOKE UP, she was in a comfortable bed in a house with wooden white walls. It was quite cozy, but she had the feeling that she wasn't a welcome guest.

"You're awake," A brunette girl sat on a chair in front of Isabelle. Izzy remembered that her name was Hayley.

"What are you?" That was the first question the hunter asked as she quickly sat up and winced in pain.

"Um, you shouldn't move," Hayley said, "You're not healed up yet. I'm Hayley, by the way."

Isabelle didn't exactly remember what happened, only one of the worst period-pains she ever had. Heck, periods would have been over that.  But it definitely wasn't period, because the Winchester had that a few weeks prior.

"What are you?" Isabelle repeated her question. She tried to think of ways to escape, but she couldn't even think of it. It was weird. Really weird.

"I'm a pregnant Werewolf carrying a Werewolf-Vampire's miracle baby," Hayley said.

"What?" Isabelle asked in confusion. She didn't get anything after the 'Pregnant Werewolf' part. But as soon as she realized that she had heard the girl say she was a Werewolf, the girl wanted to run. The only problem, she couldn't think of an escape plan, and moving even a little made her wanna cry out loud. Werewolves were Isabelle's worst fear. She had once almost gotten bitten on her first and only Werewolf hunt and it gave her nightmares sometimes.

"I take it you don't like wolves," Hayley said looking at the fearful expression on the brunette's face, "Look, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Yeah, right," She said sarcastically.

Hayley got up from her chair, making Izzy want to run away then and there, but when she tried to get up, every part of her hurt and she ended up wincing louder than she meant to.

"Wait, don't move!" Hayley rushed to the girl, "Just wait, alright."

She left the room for a minute and came back with something red in a wine glass. It definitely wasn't wine though. The werewolf gestured for the hunter to take.

Knowing she had no other option, Isabelle drank it, suddenly she felt healed and looked at Hayley in surprise, "What the heck....?"

"It's Vampire blood," Hayley said taking the glass from her, "Don't worry, you're human, it's to heal you."

"I didn't know Vampire blood could heal humans," Isabelle said looking surprised, "Or that they could use creepy voice to control me."

Hayley chuckled, "It's called compulsion."

Isabelle looked at the Werewolf in surprise, not knowing how one of the monsters she hunted could be so nice, "Um, thank you for...Vampire blood."

That was probably the weirdest thing she had ever said.

"You're welcome," Hayley said with a warm smile. She pulled the chair she was sitting on while Izzy was sleeping and put it next to her bed and sat on it, "So, Isabelle, I wanted to ask you something."

"What?" Izzy asked.

"Something saved you from Sophie."

"Sophie?" Isabelle then recounted her memories of the previous night, "The witch who tried to kill me?"

A guilty expression came onto Hayley's face, "I'm sorry about that, I didn't know she would try to kill you."

"She isn't the first one," Isabelle said, "Anyway, why are you so nice to me again?"

"I need to know if you're a threat to my baby," Hayley said.

"A Werewolf baby? If it's just as...hospitable as you, no," Isabelle didn't understand why she said 'hospitable' considering this Werewolf had held her hostage for the past two days, but she didn't think she could ever hurt a child. Whether it was a human or a monster.

"It's a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid," Hayley cleared up, causing Izzy to give her a confused look. How the hell could Vampires reproduce? "It's a long story, but I need to ask you what saved you last night."

"I don't know," Isabelle answered honestly, "It was a ringing sound, but it didn't hurt me as much as it hurt that witch. I saw my chance and I hit her on the head."

"You're a tough one, Isabelle," Hayley said, "I know, we're like holding you hostage, but it's to protect the family."

"You're not one of them, are you?" Izzy asked, Hayley, gave her a confused look so she clarified her question, "You're not a Mikaelson?"

"I'm a Marshall," Hayley said, although she sounded a little unsure, "Klaus is my baby's father."

"Never thought of him as the fatherly type," Izzy said.

"Me neither, but he's doing a lot to protect me and her," The werewolf said, "So, are you hungry?"

The brunette then realized that she hadn't eaten anything in two days, and even though she wanted to strangle each of the Mikaelson's for capturing her, she decided she could trust Hayley Marshall.


Haylisabelle friendship. My brotp. Besides Izzy and Cami.

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