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THE GIRLS HAD NO IDEA WHY HAYLEY'S TEMPERATURE WAS RISING, well Isabelle declared as a sign of pregnancy and warned Rebekah that Hayley's baby might get miscarriged from too much heat on her body

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THE GIRLS HAD NO IDEA WHY HAYLEY'S TEMPERATURE WAS RISING, well Isabelle declared as a sign of pregnancy and warned Rebekah that Hayley's baby might get miscarriged from too much heat on her body.

After Rebekah realized that the Winchester girl wasn't joking she let the med-student take lead. Izzy took Hayley back to her bedroom and told the blonde Original to bring a cool washcloth and started blotting sweat from her forehead and chest with it and told her to get an actual doctor.

"I called Elijah," Rebekah said.

"Elijah's not a doctor!" Isabelle said.

"Aren't you good enough?" The blonde asked while looking at Hayley in concern.

"I'm a student, Rebekah!" Izzy snapped, "Tell your psychopathic brothers to get here now!"

"I feel like I've been microwaved," Hayley groaned.

"Hey! Just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one! I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak," Isabelle had no idea what the blonde meant, but she put two and two together and concluded that Hayley and Klaus's Hybrid baby was healing the Werewolf if Vampire blood could do so.

"Where the hell are those two?" Isabelle asked again, seeing Hayley's temperature rise. The girl was good with medical stuff, but she had never dealt with a pregnant once before in her life, any less one who was a Werewolf carrying a Vampire-Werewolf child.

Elijah ran in the room, and Rebekah got up to greet him while Isabelle tended to the Werewolf, she heard the blonde scowl and looked a the reason to be Sophie Deveraux, "What is she doing here?"

"I'm trying to help," Sophie said as Izzy glared at her.

"Help? You're the reason we're in this bloody mess! Why aren't we unlinked with this witch already, Elijah?" Rebekah asked.

"Rebekah, let her do what she can," Elijah pleaded.

"How about you fucking morons get a Werewolf doctor or something!?" Isabelle asked, she really didn't trust the Witch and although she had known Hayley for about one day, the brunette didn't want the Werewolf to die or miscarriage.

"I need to find a way to slow the fever down and slow her heart rate in a normal way," Sophie said trying to think, then one struck the Winchester.

"Get her in the pool!" She suggested, remembering the pool she had seen from her room's window, "It's all I can think of, Werewolves aren't allergic to water, are they?"

"Okay, that's good," Sophie said looking impressed with the girl's thinking, she then turned to Rebekah "I'm gonna need some special herbs. I'll text you a list."

Rebekah did not look pleased to be being ordered around, but she eventually relented and smiled at them patronizingly, "Fine. Happy to play the fetch girl," she said before leaving.

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