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»»————- act one. the new girl
CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN ━━ a new alliance

 the new girlCHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN ━━ a new alliance

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ISABELLE NEEDED ANSWERS. That's the one thing that went through her mind as she was sitting in a café and flipping through the pages of Daniel's journal, hoping to find something related to Original vampires. But that wasn't as important as what really bothered her. She wanted to know what Evangeline meant. According to Wikipedia, it was an angel name. Thanks a lot for being fucking useless, Wikipedia!

She hadn't found a single thing about Original vampires or Mikaelson's in the books, which was honestly a bummer so she tried to look for someone or something named Evangeline. In that too, she found nothing.

Today was a day of bummers.

"Hello, darling," A voice said. Isabelle looked up, her expression changed to that of absolute loathing as Rebekah Mikaelson sat on the chair in front of her with a careful expression, like she was dealing a bomb that would go off any second.

"You've got some nerve showing up anywhere me," Isabelle spat at the girl, trying not to be very loud since most people around the outdoor café were humans. She was obviously not scared, because if Rebekah was smart enough she wouldn't attack the girl in broad daylight and if she would, Izzy had a few plans to deal with the blonde. If there was one thing Izzy was good at, it was coming with a escape/attack/defense plan on the spot. Her presence of mind had always been better than that of her siblings or father's, not that any of them would admit it.

Plan A was prepared by the time Rebekah picked up the menu from the table, Isabelle planned to taking her knife out and chopping the blonde's ring finger which was kept on the table to support her. She knew that the blue stone was called Lapis Lazuli due to being around Davina and reading her books, and if she cut that ring off Rebekah's skin would start sizzling. But that was was if the blonde attacked her.

Rebekah looked around nervously, as if hoping there was no one around, "I hear you've been conspiring against my brother and I would like to help you and Marcel."

The brunette raised her eyebrows, "You seriously expect me to believe you?"

"Besides my family, Marcel has been the only other person I care for," Rebekah said, "Before that every time I tried to love someone or make a new friend, Klaus ruined it."

Isabelle noticed how Rebekah called him Klaus this time, and not Nik like the brunette had beard the blonde do so earlier. She had taken it that Nik was a nickname only for family, and if Rebekah was calling him by a common nickname now, it meant he had done something to drive her away.

She wasn't surprised honestly, Klaus was freaking horrible. Hot, but horrible.

Despite reading all of this, Isabelle scoffed, she could never imagine herself betraying either Sam or Dean like that, "So your brother doesn't let you have a boyfriend and you go ahead and plan to kill him?"

"I'm never going to kill him!" Rebekah snapped defensively.

"Well, whatever you plan to do, betraying your own brother?" Izzy asked, "Just when I thought you couldn't get any low."

Rebekah looked down, guilt in her features, but she ignored it and looked back at the hunter, "Not all of have the luck of having a brother like Sam, Isabelle. Nik loves me, and I loved him too but he's a manipulator, a liar, he doesn't let me have my freedom. He doesn't understand me."

For a second Isabelle sympathized with her, she had a better family than those psychopaths but she had problems too.

"So leave," Izzy said, "Do yourself a favpr."

"I would, but.....it's complicated and the only way I will ever find peace with Marcel is if Klaus was off our tails."

"So what? You're team Marcel, now?" Isabelle raised her eyebrows.

"Maybe," Rebekah said, "But I need a deal. You won't harm Elijah, or Hayley and her child."

"I will think about Elijah," Isabelle said, "And Hayley's my friend I wouldn't hurt her. Speaking of Hayley, how is she? Last I heard someone kidnapped her."

"She's fine," Rebekah said, "If you want to speak to her, just call me," The blonde took out a napkin from the napkin stand and took one of Izzy's pens which were lying around on the table and wrote number, "Here."

"I have two Mikaelsons's numbers now," Isabelle said taking it, "Goody. So, let's say I'm in on your plan. Now, care to tell me what this plan is?"

"I will, but first I have to do something," Rebekah said.

"What is that?"

"Are you catholic by any chance?"



"This is just weird," Isabelle mumbled in the church as she watched Rebekah stand in the confession booth and talking to Kieran through the screen, the priest didn't look very happy by a long shot.

"I'm very happy to know you and Marcel buddies apparently, Father K," Izzy told the priest while looking annoyed, over the past few months she had stayed in the Quarter, he had been quite a father figure to her since she was practically Cami's best friend. But she was not happy to know that he was involved with the supernatural business. At this point the only person who didn't know was Camille, and Izzy was not on board with letting her friend in that kind of danger.

"You should know Marcel and I are not on the best of terms right now," Kieran told both Isabelle and Rebekah.

"But you are an active priest, are you not? Ready and able to hear my confession?" The original asked.

"Usually the word "willing" falls somewhere in that sentence. Are you even Catholic?"

" I've been on this Earth for a thousand years. I can't say for certain that I believe in anything like a God. But, I need absolution from someone. Anyone. So, will you hear my confession or not?"

Kieran looked out at Isabelle you gave him a look that said 'You're in this on your own.' The priest sighed and turned to Rebekah, nodding.

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I am a liar, a betrayer. I have conspired against my own blood and I doubt even your God could save me."

Isabelle almost wanted to snort at Rebekah's very dramatic confession, but decided not to for the sake of being polite.


This chapter had no purpose but
for Rebekah and Isabelle to have a
heart-to-heart because my girls were
always meant to be besties. Anyway,
so, I have been editing the first few
chapters of this book so if you re-read
them and see changed (along with the
new layout and banners) it means that
the chapter you're reading is edited.

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