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ISABELLE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF HER PSYCHOLOGY CLASS WHEN HER PHONE VIBRATED IN HER POCKET, indicating that she had a text. Normally, she'd only check it if it was a life-or-death situation, but seeing the name on the screen, she couldn't help but check it.

Sorry, Izz, me and Julia have a little something to deal with.
PS- Blame Rufus.
But I mailed the thing to your address.

The brunette's eyes went wide, realizing the people at the post office in New Orleans could be supernatural (seeing how half of the people in this fucking city weren't humans), but knowing that the thing was already on its way, she couldn't do anything except-

Marc, we got a problem.
My friend sent the journal through mail.
I don't know much about this fucking town, but I'm gonna assume someone at the post office is supernatural and I don't think it's a good idea if they see that journal.

Ugh, fine. I'll send Josh

After Davina had managed to undo Klaus' compulsion on the raven-haired Vampire, he and Isabelle had gotten well acquainted with each other and were very much trusting each other. Currently there were only three people Isabelle trusted in the city - Marcel, Josh, and Davina.

"Miss Winchester, mind paying a little attention here, would you?" Professor Griffith told the girl with a strict tone, causing the entire class to turn their eyes on the Winchester.

"Um...." She was pretty sure no one heard her mumble that since how quiet she was, but Professor Griffith couldn't miss anything. Needless to say, the whole situation was very awkward and embarrassing for Izzy and she didn't understand what was the need for Griffith to call her out like that in the middle of the class. 

She never understood the guy, he was brilliant and harsh, but his French Quarter accent gave him off as a completely different person. When asking a fellow student, she found out he had changed completely after his wife became a psychopath and was sent to some mental institute, which was sort of ironic considering how he was a psychology professor. 

"Would you mind telling the class what the philosophy behind behavior analysis, and also distinguished from methodological behaviorism is commonly known as?" He asked.

"Um....Radical behaviorism," Izzy answered, hoping she was correct or she'd definitely be a joke - for herself at least, she didn't really care what the class thought of her. She had spent a lot of time with her nose in her books so it might have paid off.

"Exactly," Griffith said, he wrote out the words on the blackboard with his chalk, "As Isabelle told us - Radical behaviorism is the philosophy of the science of behavior, pioneered by B.F. Skinner...."

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