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KLAUS WAS QUITE SUPRISED TO HEAR THAT ISABELLE HAD HELPED PROTECT HIS CHILD (AND HAYLEY) FROM WHATEVER MAGIC AGNES HAD USED ON HER. After Elijah had successfully killed the elder witch, he had explained everything that had happened back home to his little brother. The Original made a mental note to take Isabelle for the lunch he promised and thank her for saving his child (maybe a few threats but that was for later).

Right, now he was on his way to see Camille O'Connell, but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard her speaking on the phone about a particular person, his Vampire hearing giving him access to both sides of the conversation. From what he could tell, Cami looked very much worried and scared.

"No, she's not picking my calls, Sam!" The blonde said into the phone, "I tried everything! I even called the police, it's like she disappeared right after she left her university, with not a single trace! No one has seen her anywhere since Friday!"

Of course not, Klaus compelled everyone to not have a single memory of him picking  Isabelle from St. Peters. Perks of being a immortal Hybrid.

"She's not picking my calls either!" Sam sounded on the verge of collapsing from how worried he sounded, "Wait, I'll call Dean."

"What can your brother do?" Camille asked, as Klaus realized what would happen if Winchester hunters came into his city. If one sister was being a problem for him, he didn't dare think what the other two could do. 

"You have no idea....." Sam said vaguely.

Before Camille could ask anymore questions to the ex-hunter, Klaus sped into the room and grabbed the phone from her hand.


"You will tell Sam Winchester that Isabelle is back," Klaus said, looking the blonde in the eye, "Tell him that she was preparing for a test and slept at her friend's house, and had to switch her phone off to get concentration and just came back. Tell him that she's fine, but tired so she won't talk to him right now."

Cami took the phone back from Klaus, "She's back, Sam."

The blonde told the Winchester what lies the Hybrid fed her and after another few minutes of Sam telling Cami to scold that idiot for scaring the both of them, he told the blonde to order waffles for his sister (it being Isabelle's comfort food) since she was tired and said his goodbyes before hanging up.

"Where's Izzy?" Cami asked the Hybrid as soon as she put the phone down.

"Fine," Klaus simply answered, "You will be glad to know the promise I made you."

"Promise?" Cami asked in confusion, it took her a moment to remember as the compulsion kicked in, "Yes. You promised you'd find out what happened to Sean."

"And I kept my word. Your twin brother's behavior was not born of natural causes. A witch hexed him to commit those murders, and kill himself," Klaus explained, he didn't really care much about the justice, as he himself had been a murderer in many cases, but Cami had a brother like he did. And he knew he'd like the person who killed a sibling of his dead. One of the reasons why he had loathed himself over the centuries, because he was the cause of the death of his youngest brother Henrik and the thought never gave him the peace he desired, "You needn't trouble yourself over her now. She's already paid for her actions in blood."

"What?" Cami snapped, "You killed someone...."

"Ah, well, I had a hand in the matter, yeah-" Before he could finish his words, Camille slapped him across the face, a action that surprised him greatly.

"Forgive me if I'm a little surprised by your reaction-"

"How the hell am I supposed to react?" The blonde snapped in anger and pain, "You just made me culpable in a revenge murder I never asked for!"

"I've been alive for a thousand years, and I can assure you, many people have died for far less!" Klaus told her, as if it were obvious. 

"Where's Izzy?" Cami said, realizing the monster the Hybrid was, "Where the hell is she?!? What did you do to her?!"

"She is fine, as we speak," Klaus assured the blonde, "Just in a bit of a jiffy."

To say Camille was angry would have been an understatement, if it weren't for the compulsion making her cooperate, she would have scratched the Original's face with her nails.

"She is perfectly fine, Camille," Klaus told her, a little surprised by much she cared for the hunter.

"Listen, you monster!" Cami snapped, "I don't know what you did to Izzy, but if you even hurt a hair on her head I will-"

"Kill me?" Klaus scoffed, "Many have tried before, all of them failed."

"I don't know how, but I will undo whatever the hell it is you've done to me! And when I do, you're gonna wish you'd never laid eyes on me!" The blonde finished with determination in her eyes, clearly meaning every word she said.

Klaus looks at her, a little wed by her determination, but not scared even a little, he zooms in front her, again to compel her, "You will not worry about Isabelle and if anyone asks anything, you tell them that she's gone to see family."

"Please, don't hurt her," Cami begged before Klaus could leave. The Original left after a moment of thought, leaving the blonde confused why she was so angry due to the compulsion.

The Hybrid stood outside the bar, thinking of Isabelle, just when Marcel showed up, "Hey, where you been?"

The Original rolled his eyes and turned to face his sire.

"Not still mad about our tiff the other night, are you?" Marcel asked.

"Water under the bridge," Klaus said with a fake smile.

"Cami's all yours if you're interested. I'm feeling like right now's not the right time to pursue a relationship. Life's all about timing, you know?" Marcel told his sire, "Speaking of, I swung by your house earlier to commiserate over a drink, but I must have just missed you."

It took a lot of self-control for the Vampire to not punch his sire for messing with his friend, but decided to wait for the right moment.

"Oh, the Palace Royale didn't suit me, I moved on weeks ago."

Marcel chuckled and shook his head knowingly, "No, no, I mean your other place. Interesting location to put down your roots, the same plantation where I was a slave. I guess that's why you never invited me over."

"Well, how rude of me. I'll speak to Elijah. I'm sure he'll be pleased to host you and Davina for the evening! Especially after you were so hospitable to him," The Hybrid said with a fake smile.

"Of course, I'll bring Isabelle too," His smile all of a sudden turned into a deadly glare, "If you even look at her again, I will-"

"Oh, please, you people!" Klaus said looking annoyed by these vain threats, "Ready to try and kill me for someone you don't even know."

"She is a hunter," Marcel said truthfully, "And my friend, but if you decide to get your nose in my business ever again, I will find a way to kill all of you."

Although Marcel was currently more concerned by the fact if Isabelle was only getting close to him kill him, but he decided to  protect her until he knew for sure. From what he knew, Isabelle must have hated Klaus just as much as he did after kidnapped her. 

Klaus watched as the Vampire walked away and zoomed back to the mansion, only to find that Hayley was no longer there.


I haven't updated in a while. Don't worry, I'm back!

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