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»»————- act one. the new girl
CHAPTER SEVEN ━━ marcel can be over-protective sometimes

 the new girl CHAPTER SEVEN ━━ marcel can be over-protective sometimes

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ISABELLE HAD GIVEN UP ON ELIJAH BY NOW. The Winchester girl finally decided that there was no point in waiting for Elijah Mikaelson because he was probably not interested in her and just asked her for dinner because he pitied her.

Rebekah seemed to understand how the Winchester girl felt and assured her that Elijah would be back soon enough, but Izzy decided she was done waiting for someone who didn't like her the way she did.

After the party the previous night, Sam decided to go home early since his friend, Josie needed some help with one of her tests. After kissing his sister on the head and saying goodbye to both Izzy and Cami, the Winchester boy headed back to Stanford.

Although Isabelle was feeling disappointed because of Elijah, she still made it her mission to convince Camille to give Marcel another chance, but to her surprise, the O'Connell girl seemed to do so after she came back from the store. It was almost as if someone magically forced her to give Marcel a second chance, but Izzy didn't complain. It was getting a little annoying how Marcel would stare at Camille, but never have the guts to ask her out.

Feeling dim, the former hunter opened Rousseau's to start on with her day but was surprised when she saw a box and a bouquet of roses on the counter. She was a hundred percent sure the box wasn't there when she finished her shift yesterday and made a mental note to ask the guy who worked after her about this.

Isabelle was pretty sure no one would give her a gift like this, but to her surprise, the card had her name written on it.

Isabelle was pretty sure no one would give her a gift like this, but to her surprise, the card had her name written on it

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Isabelle was surprised and taken back that Klaus Mikaelson had sent her a gift. What surprised her the most was that Cami seemed to have mentioned her like of music to him and honestly bothered her because Camielle wasn't one to reveal too much about her friends or patients to total strangers.

Against a lot of self-control, Isabelle opened the box and found a brown guitar inside. And there was no way in hell this thing was as cheap as the one Sam and Dean bought her years ago. She was so surprised that she didn't even move until she heard the door of the bar open and Marcel Gerard walk in with his usual smile.

"Hey, could you do me a favor?" He asked.

"Huh?" Isabelle needed to replay the question in her head for it to make sense to her, "Uh, yeah, what do you need?"

Before Marcel could ask what he was going to, his eyes went on the card the Winchester girl was holding. Klaus's name was the first thing he read and gave the girl a dark look, "I thought you were into Elijah?"

Which he didn't approve of either, but the eldest Mikaelson wasn't as bad as the other two and he was locked in a box as Marcel and Izzy spoke.

"I was, but he didn't show up, and for some reason, his brother sent me this," Isabelle said pointing at the flowers and Klaus's gift, "Why is he sending me this?"

"Look, Izzy," Marcel said seriously. Very rare because Marcel Gerard was a total goofball. Around Isabelle, at least. Minus the times he became super scary to the several people (something which never managed to intimidate Isabelle which always surprised him), "The Mikaelson's are bad news."

"Number one, I have zero interest in Klaus," Isabelle clarified, throwing the card on an empty stool, "Number two, Elijah and Rebekah not that bad."

"You just said he didn't show up at your date," Marcel asked.

"He didn't, but his sister came so I had someone to have dinner with at least," Izzy then remembered the conversation she, Klaus, and Camille had about Rebekah at the party the previous night when she was dancing with Sam, "Speaking of which, what happened between you and Rebekah Mikaelson?"

"It was a short-time fling when we were young," Marcel said, "Look, Izz, I've known the Mikaelson's longer than anyone in this city, and I know that they're not good for you."

"What you are, my brother?" Isabelle asked, she hated whenever someone told her what she could and couldn't do. So of course, she did what they said she couldn't. One of the reasons why Isabelle wanted to go to college was because John had called her a 'freak' and told her that she'd never get into college. Currently, it was going to be bonding with the Mikaelson's just because Marcel decided he could tell her not to.

"Isabelle, don't," Marcel said, looking her directly in the eye in a similar creepy manner that Klaus had at the party, "Stay away from the Mikaelson's."

"Okay, what the hell is it with you people using eye contact and creepy voice to convince someone?" Isabelle snapped, "Now if you could please leave, I have work to do."

She then turned around and walked to the storeroom, leaving Marcel surprised.

How did she resist compulsion? He thought.


Marcel cares about Izzy, as you know,
but he's about to figure out she is. Just
like Klaus is going to. Also, why do you
ya'll think Klaus gave Izzy a gift?

Also this chapter was like done yesterday
by the time had posted the other two. So
maybe chocolatem00se was right. I'm barry
allen as a author.

 I'm barry allen as a author

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