Chapter 12: Relaxation from rehearsals, Nationals

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It was now 2 days prior to Nationals and it was an off day from rehearsals for the Abby Lee Dance Company and at a park called the Thomas F Regan Memorial City Beach, which is a park and a beach and it gave wonderful views of the lake and mountains as Abby, Aurelio and the girls were arriving after getting out of the van that brought them there from the hotel as the moms stayed behind.

"Look at the mountains and the water." Abby pointed out. "Girls, Aurelio, i brought you all out here because i'm so tired of just being in a hotel ballroom or auditorium and the competition. You have to see the world even though you've done that, but still."

The girls all put their blankets on the grass and sat on them, they and Aurelio did some strengthening and lengthening the back of their legs so they would be ready for Nationals and Aurelio sat with Paige when they were done.

"Do you think we'll see some fireworks when you, your mom, Gia, myself and Chloe head to Niagara Falls?" Paige asked Aurelio.

"More than likely."

"Aurelio, Paige, i want to take your picture!" Abby said as her son and Paige looked at the camera and Abby took their photo.

"Cute little couple." Brooke teased.

"Brooke..." Aurelio and Paige looked at her like she had gone off the rails as the girls and Abby laughed. Later on, the girls went bowling with their moms and Gianna as Abby took Aurelio on the M.S. Lake Tahoe II boat as they and other passengers were admiring the lake.

"Mom, question, what's the first thing we'll do when you, myself, Gia, Chloe and Paige arrive at Niagara Falls, Canada?" Aurelio asked Abby.

"Maybe we can relax in our hotel rooms for a few hours, then maybe we can head to the Midway arcade and go from there." Abby answered.

"Sounds like a good idea and maybe next season, if we go to Miami, maybe we could catch Amtrak." Aurelio suggested.

"I was thinking about that the other day, because i remember taking you to Chicago on Vacation when we rode Amtrak's Lake Shore Limited." Abby commented.

"That was a fantastic vacation, we even got to see the Michael Jordan Statue at the United Center, home of the Bulls and Blackhawks."

"Yeah, i remember that."

Once the cruise ended, Abby and Aurelio headed back to the hotel to relax and the girls and moms came later.

Saturday arrived and that was the day of Nationals and the Abby Lee Dance Company had just arrived at the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, the location of Nationals and after Maddie, Chloe and Aurelio got ready, they made their way to the stage. Melissa wasn't there as she was on vacation in Florida with Greg.

"Next up in our petite soloist division, Manhattan!" Maddie walked onto the stage and was in her beginning pose, when the music began, she began dancing and was marvelous with her moves and at the end, she did a pose and left the stage.

"Up next in our junior soloist division, Another Season!" Applause was heard as Chloe came on the stage and went into a starting pose. Chloe began dancing when the music began to play and right from the start, she was amazing with her dancing and when the music ended, she posed and left the stage.

"Coming up next to the stage, we have On The Wild Side!" Aurelio came on the stage after he had heard his solo being announced, hoping to win his 5th consecutive soloist national title in a row and he stood on the middle of the stage. When the music started, he started to dance and he was fantastic as he danced like it was his last dance and at the end, he posed and left the stage and next were the solo portion of the awards, beginning with the petite soloist division with places 10 through 2 being announced and 1st place was next.

"Our top overall petite soloist division is Manhattan by Maddie!" Maddie got and was given her trophy, crown and sash and next were the junior soloist division awards with places 10 through 3 being announced with places 2nd and 1st being next.

"In 2nd place in our junior soloist division is Another Season by Chloe!" Chloe went to the announcer and got her trophy.

"And the overall 1st place junior soloist national champion is On The Wild Side by Aurelio!" Aurelio got up from sitting down and he went to the announcer as he had won his 5th consective national title and as he got his trophy as Abby was cheering the loudest, happy her son won 5 soloist national titles in a row and that was because of his hard work, determination and never giving up.

"Great job, Aurelio." Chloe told Aurelio.

"Thanks, Chlo. You did really fantastic too." Aurelio responded.

"All right, Aurelio!" Abby, Gianna, Mackenzie, Brookie, Nia, Brooke, Paige and the moms said as they headed backstage and there, they got Maddie, Chloe, Brooke and Paige ready for their duets.

"Everybody, here is Ooh La La!" Brooke and Paige went on the stage and surprisingly, they worked together very well and they completed the dance and left the stage.

"They did really well." Abby said to Kelly.

"Yeah, hopefully they place well." Kelly added.

"That's what i'm hoping as well."

"Coming up next, Black Swan!" Maddie and Chloe came from the wings of the stage and when the music started playing, they began dancing and they connected right from the start and were in sync, when the music ended, they posed and left the stage and next were the duet/trio awards with places 10 through 3 being announced and next were 2nd and 1st.

"Our 2nd place overall duet/trio division is Ooh La La!" Brooke and Paige got up and got their award from the announcer. Even though they got 2nd, they did really well and even Abby and Kelly were happy that they did well.

"The top overall duet/trio division winner is Black Swan!" Maddie and Chloe headed to the announcer and got their award as the audience was cheering and later on, everybody went backstage to get the girls ready for their group dance.

"Welcome to the stage, This Is My Beauty!" Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Brooke, Paige, Nia and Brookie all came on the stage, stood in their respective spots with their hand held mirrors, then they danced and did a fantastic job and made good use of the mirrors and at the end, they posed and headed off stage.

"Mom, to be honest with you, i'm a little tense and a little nervous because i want the girls to win." Aurelio admitted to Abby.

"Me too." Abby agreed with her son.

"They got this." Christi assured them.

"Thanks, Christi." Aurelio stated.

"You're welcome."

The announcer informed everybody that 2nd and 1st place came down to a single point which separated the placing and the 2 that were announced were the girls and another studio which came from Fresno and the girls all held hands and Abby, Aurelio and the moms had their fingers crossed.

"All right, the top junior small group national champion is...This Is My Beauty!"

The girls all started cheering as they were the National Champions as Abby, Aurelio, Gianna and the moms all were cheering as well as the girls got their trophy.

"For now, our work here is done." Chloe stated.

"Yes, but it's only the beginning." Gianna told her.

"Miss Abby, thanks for giving me and my mom the opportunity to be on the team." Brookie said to Abby.

"You and your mother are welcome, Brookie." Abby replied. "Even though you were an interim member of the team for these last competitions, you never know, you may be back for the upcoming season."

"Anything can happen." Aurelio commented, then the packed up and got their trophies before exiting the dressing room, got in the van that took them to the airport and there, they caught a flight back to Los Angeles to audition for a music video by a singer named Lux, for the song "It's Like Summer" and Chloe won the audition. The Abby Lee Dance Company concluded their season with winning the National Title and next season, they were gonna be defending National Champions. Also, Aurelio might not be competing as much starting next season, but he'll compete when called upon.

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