Chapter 12: Ruining Kelly's Birthday

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"Girls, come on! Chop Chop!" Abby shouted as the girls and moms came in. "It wasn't a brilliant weekend, that we'll admit, but it was successful at least since we beat Cathy and chopped down the apple treee."

"Chop Chop Chop Chop!" The girls all chanted as Abby, Aurelio and the moms laughed.

"You girls are something else." Aurelio laughed.

"That they are." Abby agreed, then she had a serious expression. "All right, let's get back to the nitty gritty."

Pyramid started and once that was done, they talked about where they'd be going next for competition.

"This weekend, we'll be heading to Starbound in Atlanta, Georgia. There are sunny skies and hot weather and moms, you never know, i might have a drink with you." Abby said.

"Are we lucky?" Kelly sarcastically said.

"Last time attended starbound, we lost to the moron from Canton and we haven't lived that down since then." Aurelio told them. "Over to you for assignments, mom."

"Thanks, Aurio." Abby stated. "Chloe, Brooke and Maddie will be doing solos and we've got a trio that has Nia, Paige and Mackenzie and for the group, everybody with the exception of Mackenzie, so we need somebody to step in for this week only and that's why we're putting Payton in the group and she'll have a solo too. Leslie will be with us as well."

"Oh, boy." Christi grumbled under her breath.

"You can say that again." Melissa agreed.

"This team works as well as it is." Holly whispered.

"She's gonna cause a lot of drama." Kelly told them.

"One more thing, you girls will be auditioning for a TV show named Drop Dead Diva." Abby announced as everybody had excited looks on their faces. "Moms, we'll put them on camera and send the clips to Los Angeles and in addition, Aurelio and Myself will be in the episode as well and the casting agent is going to need two dancers. Moms, you can head out and girls, warm up."

A day later, Chloe was rehearsing her solo as Leslie was now upstairs with the moms and Payton was with the girls for the week and after the rehearsal, Chloe approached Abby.

"Miss Abby, can i talk to you?" Chloe asked.

"Sure, what's going on?" Abby wondered.

"Tomorrow, my school is going on a camping field trip and is it all right if i'm able to go since it'll be from tomorrow night until tomorrow morning?"

"Usually, Chloe, if i was in your shoes, i would make a different decision on that since you have a solo, but since you told me in advance, it's all right with me and thank you for letting me know and have a fun time. Maybe you can bring me and Aurelio a S'more back. He loves S'mores." Abby responded as she and Chloe laughed.

"I'll get Maddie." Chloe told the dance teacher, who nodded as the moms looked on.

"Good thing Chloe told Abby in advance or she would have gone nuts." Christi said.

"That would have been likely, knowing Abby." Melissa added.

"Abby said she took Aurelio camping when he was 7." Kelly told them.

"I remember that." Holly commented.

"Didn't know that." Leslie stated.

2 days later, which was Kelly's birthday, Christi and Chloe arrived at the studio after Christi picked Chloe up from her camping trip and in her hand was a bag and they went in the dance studio and at the front desk was Abby.

"Hello, Chloe." Abby greeted.

"Hello, Miss Abby. Am i late for rehearsals?" Chloe asked.

"No, you just made it." Abby replied. "How was your camping trip?"

"It was great and all, but i just could not wait to get back to the studio." Chloe stated, pulling out two S'mores from the bag. "Here are some S'mores for you and Aurelio."


"You're welcome." Chloe told her dance teacher, who went and gave Aurelio the other S'more and they enjoyed it, then rehearsals began later.

That evening at Kelly's condo, Kelly had invited the other moms to come by as the girls were either with Abby or Gianna for the night and the moms enjoyed themselves and had drinks.

"We may get lucky and Leslie won't show up." Kelly stated.

"I'm not gonna lie, but i don't have a problem with her." Christi said.

"Yes you do!"

"However, i do not like how she comes in, i mean we've got seniority here."

"We sure do." Melissa commented, then a knock on the door was heard and Kelly headed to the door to see who was at the door.

"Who do you think it could be?" Holly asked and when Kelly opened the door, it was Leslie. "Hey, there. We thought you got lost."

"Well, i did get lost." Leslie responded.

"Whatever!" Kelly rolled her eyes.

"Don't start." Leslie told them. "How many drinks did you all have?!"

"Are you going to pick on us?" Kelly asked. "Listen, we've got this feeling that everything we're in the observation deck of the studio and every time one of us speaks, you are jumping right down our throats."

"I talk loud and my voice gets loud! That is not picking on you to me, it's how i talk. I'm here to enjoy myself this week and watch the girls and enjoy watching them dance." Leslie retorted.

"It feels like we've been dealing with this the whole week." Kelly griped, she got into a verbal fight as Melissa, Holly and Christi watched in embarrassment and at one point, Leslie threw something at Kelly, then they went home for the night.

The upcoming weekend, Abby, Aurelio, Gianna, the moms and girls went to Atlanta to compete at Starbound and at the competition, Maddie got 2nd and Chloe got 1st in the junior soloist division. Payton got 7th and Brooke got 2nd in the teen soloist division. Mackenzie, Nia and Paige got 5th in the duet/trio division and for the group, the girls got 1st.

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