Chapter 11: An Idea, Showdown of the Ringers

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Almost 2 months had passed and the day was May 6, which was 2 days before Aurelio's 11th birthday and at Abby's condo, Aurelio was in his bedroom looking out of the window seeing the skyline as Abby came in and approached him, knowing that he was deep in thought about something.

"Something must be on your mind." Abby said.

"Mom, i did some information searching about the next competition we'll be heading to and it's Nexstar in Akron, Ohio and you know who's more than likely to be there." Aurelio told Abby.

"Yeah, those rotten apples and the last time we faced off against them, they beat us by just one point." Abby muttered.

"I have an idea, since Cathy uses ringers in her group dances, maybe we can fight fire with fire by adding some ringers of our own by putting your own older dancers to go against Cathy." Aurelio suggested. "What do you think?"

"Aurelio, that is a genius idea!" Abby exclaimed. "Cathy won't even see it coming."

"You know it."

The next day, Abby and her son talked to the girls about the previous competition and once pyramid was complete, they talked about where they would be heading next.

"This week, we'll be heading to Nexstar in Akron, Ohio." Abby said as the girls and moms groaned, knowing who they'll be facing. "We may se Kendall, Vivi and all we know is that the Abby Lee Dance Company is going to be so hot, they'll be apple pie! The group is called Land Unforgiving and even Mackenzie will be in the group, Chloe, you'll be doing a solo named Angry Bird and guess what, Aurelio is going to have a solo called Bad to the Bone as he'll be going up against Kendall for the title at Nexstar which means should you win Aurelio, you'll be Junior Mister Nexstar, so prove to Kendall and her mother that leaving my studio was a big time mistake!"

Aurelio nodded.

"Also, Aurelio came up with an idea, since Cathy uses older dancers in her group routines, we're gonna level the playing field by bringing in some of our own older dancers for the group dance." Abby informed. "Moms, you can head out and girls, Aurelio, warm up."

The moms went upstairs to the observation deck, the girls began to warm up and Aurelio went into Studio B to warm up for his solo.

"It's kind of hypocritical that Abby's bringing in older dancers even though it was Aurelio's idea as we've heard them criticize Cathy for having older dancers on her team." Holly said.

"Like Abby said, they want to level the playing field." Christi added.

"Yeah." Kelly commented. "Let's see how it turns out."

"Fair enough." Holly replied.

Back down in Studio A, Abby brought in three dancers for her studio. One was 15 with auburn hair, the other was 15 as well with brown hair and the other had dark brown hair that was around 16.

"I know you all know them, but i'll introduce them, you all know Katherine Narasimhan who dances for the elite company, Auriel Welty and Nina Linhart who dances for the teen company.' Abby introduced as applause was heard.

2 days later, it was Aurelio's 11th birthday and in the dancer's den, Abby came in with a cake with 11 candles lit up and everybody sung Happy Birthday to him. Aurelio then blew out the candles and everybody cheered, they ate the cake with him and they rehearsed through the week.

(Aurelio's costume for Bad to the Bone: Vest, tanktop and trackpants)

The day of competition had arrived and in Akron, a town in Ohio and the birthplace of basketball superstar LeBron James, the bus that had Abby, Aurelio, Gianna, the girls and moms had arrived at the Civic Theatre, the location of Nexstar and they got off the bus and Aurelio had a focused expression on his face. They all entered the building and admired the hallway, then they arrived at their dressing room and immediately, Aurelio and Chloe began to get ready for their solos.

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