Left For Dead

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Herobrine lay on his back, stunned by the explosion, and tried to gulp air laden with dust. Each bloody gasp sent a crushing ache through his chest, his ribs likely splintered and piercing his lungs. Everything hurt, in more places than he could count, though the burns already began pulling closed, the slow and excruciating process adding unbearable itching to the already existing discomfort. Herobrine did his best to stifle his groans, to hide the fact that he was still alive, buried beneath the rubbish.

Footsteps coming closer to his make-shift grave sent waves of dismay through his heart. He could not hope to continue this fight in his current condition. Admitting defeat was also not an option - his attackers seemed determined to finish him off for good. A task that was hard to accomplish, but possible, and certain to leave him in agony for the entire lengthy time period that his body would take to respawn, suspended in wordless scream as bits of code took their proper place.

He did not want to go through that again.

He held his breath, stifling the gagging that continued to bring forth blood. Trying his best to remain still, he hoped that they would decide their task complete and leave him be. 

A scraping noise and more weight added to his grave, sending dust crumbling upon his face and tightly shut eyelids. And then the footsteps retreated, at last leaving him alone. He released his breath and lay still, his body faintly shaking as the tension let go and weariness flooded in.

His awareness slipped briefly and returned, before he managed to gather enough focus to attempt to teleport away, just a few steps away. The place held clearly in his mind, he sought to gather up the power. Usually pliant and plentiful, this time he found only dregs. Not enough to even make the call for help to his servants. He let go, allowing the remnants of power to return to his body to continue the healing process. 

An attempt to simply move also failed to his intense frustration. His legs did not respond at all, either due to the shattered bones in his back crushing his spinal cord, or simply because the weight of the rocks securely pinned him in place.

Only his one remaining arm managed to shift a little, blood-covered fingers uselessly scratching at the jagged surface of whatever rock happened to lay beneath his trapped hand. 

Giving up, he relaxed, only to convulse in another fit of bloody coughing. And then he lay still, weakly gasping for breath.

He couldn't escape the wreckage. Realizing this, he helplessly blinked up at the gray rock reflecting back the flickering light of his eyes. Well... He would not die from this. That was the only good thing. But it would be a long time before the tiny drops of strength returning to him would be enough to allow him to escape this grave, where he had been sealed alive.

He let his awareness dim. Time passed slowly and the daze wrapped around his mind somewhat dulled the continued pain to a more bearable level.

Faint scraping sounds from beyond startled him awake. A shifting of the weight followed, the pressure on his chest becoming a bit lighter. Someone was trying to pull off the blocks? Who?

Familiar, distressed screeching sounds sent relief sweeping through his body...Endermen... That was good...

The hopeful thought faded as he once again sunk into the darkness.

He remained unaware when the creatures pulled out his battered form out of the wreckage. His eyes remained closed, their light flickering softly beneath the dusty eye-lids. Thick drops of blood fell from his torn, soaked clothes to the ground amid swirling, purple particles drifting around the small group.

The Endermen exchanged uncertain glances. One made a quiet sound, to which the one they held did not respond. Appearing at a loss, the group waited, their bodies shifting. Soft rumbles followed as if the creatures argued among themselves about what they should do. And then their entire group vanished along with their silent burden.

The purple particles continued to drift a few moments longer before melting away, as if surrendering to the pressing darkness that hungrily engulfed the castle-like chamber, hiding the signs of recent battle that destroyed yet another of Herobrine's mansions. 

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