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Steve flinched as at another solid hit, a faint torch light appeared shining through a narrow crack to the other side, where Steve's wide eyes picked up a flurry of movement. His eyes flicked to his twin and found a familiar flat expression hiding Herobrine's true feelings and thought on the matter. His white eyes also seemed aware, rather than distant.

"H-Herobrine?" Steve dared to ask in an uncertain tone of voice. Again, he flinched at yet another hit, which sent larger rocks spraying in their direction. Herobrine scowled and looked to the farthest corner of the cave.

As if on a cue, several tall dark forms materialized there in a purple flurry of particles. Three of them carried pale yellow blocks with bluish-green metallic patterns, surrounded by a faint blue shimmer. Three others began to work, carving out a hollow shape of a small square, Herobrine's eyes remaining fixed on their work with a small frown that betrayed his concentration. Steve noticed a bead of sweat rolling down his stubble-covered cheek.

As soon as the surface became even, those who held the strange blocks, carefully put them down in rows of three, turning them so the middle line patterns pointed inward. Finishing their task, the creatures vanished while the others continued to work. The same three returned, placing another row of three blocks and vanishing again. They repeated the process until the blocks formed a square.

At that moment, the three Endermen who had carried the blocks turned to those who already finished their work and stood mulling about and suddenly thrust their clawed arms into their chests. Steve couldn't help a small gasp and threw a slightly fearful glance toward his twin, who continued to concentrate on his grisly task. Grasping the hovering ender pearls left behind by their slain comrades, the three beings enslaved by Herobrine's command carefully placed the pearls into the nest formed by metallic blue-green patterns on top of the laid-out blocks. By then, three more white-eyed Endermen appeared, standing docile until the process repeated, and they perished with a screech that made Steve cringe, wincing.

What was Herobrine doing? Steve thought that he cared about these black-skinned mobs more than any of the others? Why was he killing them now?

The last of the slain creatures' hearts found its place within the strange block and the area within the square suddenly closed with a glassy smooth curtain of black where starry sky swam. Steve stared at it with fascination.

"An... End Portal?" He guessed, blue eyes opening wide and breath held as he even for a moment forgot about the vengeful adventurers doing their best to break through the heavy obsidian lined walls into their refuge.

Steve couldn't help a blink, though. If Herobrine could control the Ender creatures, why did he wait so long? Why not simply order them to take him and Steve to safety elsewhere in this world?

"I need to check... If it will be safe for you to remain. If not, you will be coming with me. And Steve?..." White eyes turned and held on Steve with a definitely guilty look. "...Trust me."

After a moment of hesitation, Steve nodded, though he remained confused. At that, Herobrine turned away, once again settling a piercing look on his creatures, who began to look around, making uncertain noises as if confused at finding themselves in this place.

Back under Herobrine's control, their eyes shone a brighter white. Falling silent once more, they turned as one to face them, sending a chilled feeling through Steve's heart. Their forms vanished and reappeared next to Steve. Seeing their unblinking blank gazes and long, clawed hands reaching for him, Steve couldn't help shrinking back.

"Wait-wait-wait!... Ugh!" Steve could not help a cry as they roughly pulled him up to his feet, the flare of pain briefly engulfing his vision. Gasping for breath, he swayed in their steel grip, then managed to shift his blurry gaze to his twin, who had been pulled up by their hands also.

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