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Five Years and Three Weeks Ago

"Hmm. I wonder what is inside that human shell of yours? How much of this do you really need to function?" The human appeared to be speaking more to himself than Herobrine and Herobrine helplessly frowned, not daring to interject with his own opinion on the subject. The topic idly mentioned by the Admin worried him greatly, since he couldn't fathom what went on through Victor's mind at this moment – only suspected that it would end up badly for him, Herobrine.

"What will happen if I erased this human part of you? You do understand now that you are just a piece of code, right?" This time the Admin appeared to be speaking to him, so Herobrine hurried to send his answer.

[Herobrine to Victor: Yes, sir. I understand.]

Victor only humphed mildly. "So, you don't really have the need to breathe or eat. Or sleep. Those are just useless additions to make you seem more human. You are not. Just intellect. A cold, soulless machine. Just like the rest of those NPCs... You don't really feel pain. This concept will be at the core of the next series of tests that I am going to do..."

Herobrine unwillingly tensed, having a bad foreboding about all this. Although after his short yet peaceful vacation the attitude of the Admin toward him seemed to have significantly improved, he didn't allow himself any hopeful delusions – he was still only Admin Victor's unwilling subject. And now the tests were about to resume.

"Uncle?" A small child's voice interrupted the Admin's voice. A moment paused, before Victor replied, his tone shifting to a warmer, kinder tone.

"What is it, kiddo?" He spoke with genuine affection.

"Who is that?" The young child's voice asked with simple curiosity.

"Nothing. Just a program I'm studying... I thought I asked you not to come in without knocking?"

"I did. You just didn't hear me because you were so busy yelling again." The child said with slight disapproval. The Admin uncomfortably cleared his throat and turned off the screen showing Herobrine's simulation.

"Well, I was not yelling this time."

Still hearing their voices with that strange sense that he somehow gained before, Herobrine shakily drew his knees closer and hugged his own shoulders as feeling of utter helplessness once again descended over him.

"Is he a SAI?" The child asked curiously.

"No, he is not. He is not really alive."

"Then why are you getting angry at him? It's like yelling at the wall. You once told that to me yourself." The child pointed out.

"That's... not quite the same, Sash. Unlike him, I'm human. And I get frustrated sometimes. And you wouldn't have heard anything if you weren't listening at the door." He mildly reproached, hiding his embarrassment.

"I was curious who you keep talking to like that." The child explained with some concern in her tone. "I was just worried."

"It's just a program I'm working on for my job, sweetie. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong." The last words of disapproval turned his keeper's voice colder to a degree and Herobrine unwillingly felt a chill going through him, as he wondered whether this child was in danger, living with such a mentally unstable human.

"Though a very cute nose it is." Victor chuckled next and the child laughed with him.

Herobrine relaxed slightly. At least this human wouldn't harm his own flesh and blood. He was not a complete monster as that. Relaxing at that and taking this moment to tell himself to remain calm, Herobrine wearily closed his eyes and waited.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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