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Two humans stepped out from the door of the inn and cast looks of enjoyment across the merry crowds. All these locals, celebrating their mighty deed. Just then, a gaggle of locals rudely pushed past them, ignoring them.

Patiently, the two men stood aside, allowing the locals to pass. It made sense that the majority of these locals did not take them for champions. They did not wear armor and kept their top notch weapons hidden to avoid unwanted attention. That was entirely fine. After all, they were not here for the sake of fame. At least, they could care less what these locals thought about them.

The younger man with lighter brown hair yawned, stretching. The one next to him casually looked over the street.

"Ah!..." The second suddenly exclaimed and grasped the first man's shoulder, stifling a swear under his breath.

"Huh? What?..."

"Over there." Alder pointed. Following his gesture, the younger startled with astonishment.

Both men held disbelieving stares at the familiar figure in teal shirt, dark blue trousers, and dark leather boots, who stood next to one of the merchant stalls. His head turned away so all they could see was his short brown hair, the man appeared to be amiably chatting with the trader.

"That's not him. We killed him." The younger muttered.

"Shhh." Alder hushed him, tensely watching. Just then, the man turned around, a cheerful smile on his face, and they saw his eyes.

"... It's not him." Alder relaxed a bit, his hand letting go of his friend's shoulder.

"Of course not." The younger chuckled. "But it sure looks like him, right?"

They watched the monster's lookalike get his supplies from the merchant and part ways, heading down the street toward the city gate, seemingly set to leave town.

Losing sight of him, both of the heroes curiously approached the vendor.

"Who was that you were talking to?" The older asked of the local, an elderly man, who tensed, noting their hard faces, and gave them a questioning look. "Brown hair, blue eyes, teal shirt." The visiting stranger clarified.

"Oh, that was Steve." The vendor smiled a bit.

"Who is he?"

"Just a miner. Lives not far from town." The shorter, pudgy shaped vendor waved in direction Steve left.

"What was he doing here?"

Taken slightly aback at their persistence, the vendor blinked at his more imposing visitors, realizing just then who they were. "... He just came here to trade, as usual. He is not any trouble. A really nice young fellow, really kind."

"Did you know that he really looks like Him?" Alder ruthlessly interrupted.

The merchant switched a confused look between the two heroes, unconsciously shrinking before them. Alder softened his voice to explain. "He looks like the monster we just defeated. Herobri/"

"Don't say his name out loud!" The vendor shuddered in superstitious fear. Adler grimaced, while the younger of the two heroes proudly strutted forward his chest.

"Do not worry." He declared. "We killed him. He is not going to return to bother any of you."

The vendor scoffed. "That's what the OTHERS said. Those who came to challenge him before. They also thought that they won. But he came back as soon as they left. You cannot kill him. He is immortal!"

The conviction in the local's resentful dark eyes surprised the two heroes and they merely blinked when the merchant retreated into his stall and jerked the curtain closed. For a moment, they stood, staring at the tattered, colorful cloth hung before their faces, and then exchanged a disconcerted look.

"Maybe... We should go back and check?"


Less than an hour later, the two once again stood at the site of the wreckage. Herobrine's mansion, leveled into rumble, shone with bright colors beneath the evening sun. Picturesque mountains rose behind it, lit with golds and soft browns, and more rays fell upon the sign they left earlier to mark the monster's grave.

"Here lies Herobrine." The sign mocked them now.

The two frowned at the obvious signs of intrusion that disturbed the site. Blocks had been dragged away. And dark spots of blood heavily stained the stones, forming a trail as if something had been pulled out of the rubble and then dragged away.

"... I can't believe this." The younger of the two muttered. "He got away?"

"Someone came and got him." Adler glared at the bloody footprints that decidedly did not appear human.

"His mobs!... He must have reprogrammed them. They cannot do stuff like this on their own..." The younger winced. "... Only I thought that..." Alarmed, the younger man threw up his head. "Are you saying he wasn't dead? He... tricked us?"

Alder shrugged, still studying the tracks.

"Ugh! I cannot believe this!" The younger exclaimed, throwing up his hands in a helpless gesture of frustration. "Can you track where he went?"

The other man did not respond, his dark brown eyes fastened on the details around them, slowly moving from one clue to the next.

"Was it zombies?" The younger asked, unable to help his curiosity.

"Endermen." Alder nodded to the spot at the end of the bloody trail, where more stains gathered with no other tracks left around it. "See how these tracks just abruptly end? They teleported away."

"Ugh! We should have stayed behind and made sure he was gone for good. How are we supposed to find him now? He could be anywhere!" The younger exclaimed, frustrated once more.

"... I don't think he went far." Alder reassured with a small smirk. "We got him good. There is no way he can teleport right now even if he is alive."

"What about the Endermen tho? They can teleport?"

"Not between the servers. They probably took him someplace near... Probably some secret hidey hole, where he can stay out of sight and lick his wounds." Alder glanced at his feet. "If the forums are right, he is probably right below us. In the caves..."

"Those caves run for miles, Alder." The younger pointed out.

"They do. But he is weak. It will take him quite a bit to recover. So we have time. And we have an advantage." The elder pulled out his weapon and slid his hand along the charging level, the gesture sending a line of lights flaring to life along the length of the bore.

"He must think that he tricked us with that ruse. But we don't give up easily, right Marko?"

At the elder's dark grin, the younger immediately nodded, encouraged. "So don't worry. We'll find him. No way I'm losing that reward!"

The younger grinned, then suddenly his eyes brightened. "Hey, Ald... Didn't that vendor guy say that this other dude, the one who looks like Him, that he is a miner?"

The elder frowned at the younger's enthusiastic expression. "Ah!" Understanding cleared his frown. A pleased smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, you are right. It will be much easier that way. Good idea, Marko. Let's do that."

A bright, ready grin came in response to the elder's approval.

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