The Joys of Highschool

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Maya had never been so energetic in the morning but with so much going well in her life she has chosen to ride the high for now. She picked up Riley and they walked towards the school. Of course, Riley noticed Mayas unusually chipper mood though keeping true to her word she did not tell her families secret. Which Riley being Riley acted like it was the worst thing in the world. 

When they walked into the school they immediately spotted Lucas, Farkle, Zay talking, Riley immediately goes up and kisses Lucas while Maya steps between Zay and Farkle hugging them both. They smile back at her "what have you guys been talking about" Maya asks gleefully 

"just your surprise party" Zay retorts

Maya gasps "a surprise party for me you shouldn't have, though you do know that it takes away the surprise if you tell me" Zay rolled his eyes. 

"Did you hear that Mr Matthews is doing a group project for our next project" 

Maya smiles "well that's easy me and Riley always work together, she is a very reliable partner" right at that moment the bell goes promoting them to go to their first class of the long school day.


Maya walks into history while Mr Mattews writes something on the board still in a good mood from art. Maya looks at Lucas "how was English Ranger Rick" Lucas rolls his eyes and smiles. Riley and Zay walk in from science followed by Farkle and Smakle from AP maths.

Cory finishes up and grabs the attention of the class "as the year comes to the end we have one last project. To spice things up we are going to make this a pairs assessment, in your pairs, you are going to discuss the relationship between your ancestors throughout some point in history" people start looking towards their best friends ready to pair up when Cory interrupts "wait not so fast, I am picking your partners. It is easy to work with your best friend but the real world is not that easy"

the whole class sighs "Really Mathews" Maya retorts

"Really, anyway when I call your name pair up. Will your with Nico..." Maya stopped paying attention until she heard "Maya your with Lucas" Maya was confused 

"wait up, I thought the point of you choosing our partners is that we would not be with our friends, last time I checked Ranger Rick was my friend"

"I picked partners based on who would make a good project its nothing to do with friends" Maya sighed as Cory finished pairing up "Zay you're with Smakle, Riley with Charlie and Farkle your with Kai. Any questions?" the class seemed content as everyone changed sets to begin talking to their partners.

Maya turned around to start talking to Lucas "looks like it's me and you Ranger Rick"

he smiles "It's me and you Maya" he looks on his phone calendar "I know it's early but did you want to start the project tonight? I have practice for the rest of the week with finals coming up coach is working us to the bone"

"sure" Maya said she didn't really mind, it's not like she had much to do tonight. Lucas and Zay were pumped to make it to the finals, though they are still alternates to the upperclassmen they will definitely be in the front line next session. 


Maya and Lucas walked into Music together Maya making fun of him and Riley for their adorable relationship. They had started taking music in the second-semester Maya loved singing and Lucas was not to bad a guitar and sometimes would sing though no matter how many times Maya told him he was talented he would insist that he was not very good. Maya sometimes wonders if truly talented people are just destined to not see it. 

Lucas picked up his guitar and started strumming while Maya continued writing her current song while they waited for the teacher. Maya didn't notice Lucas stopping to look over Maya's shoulder "Wow that looks really good" Maya jumped and closed her book 

"God damn it huckleberry you know it rude to look at peoples work without permission" She stared daggers at him. Lucas recoiled 

"I'm sorry Maya you're right I should have respected your privacy. that song does look good though you going to use it as your final project?"

Maya chuckled lightly "No no this one is personal ill probably use you can't blame a girl for trying for my final"

Lucas looked disappointed "I mean that song is great but this song looks a bit more mature I mean didn't you write You can't blame a girl for trying last year you have improved so much since then."

Maya pondered this, she had indeed written that song last year and when they announced that their final projects would be to produce an original song she thought it was a no brainer. Minimal effort and it had an alright beat. This is the first time she had truly thought of the project it is not due for another month and they had just finished the last assessment. "I'll think about it" she smiles genuinely.

Before Lucas can respond the Teacher walks in "Hello class, I trust you all have begun your final projects, do remember if you want to pair up to make one song using your chosen instrument I need to know by the end of the week so we can discuss the guidelines to ensure that each of you is contributing enough to be assessed. That will be all back to work." The whole class got back to working on their projects when Lucas tuned and stared at Maya.

"take a picture Huckleberry it will last longer" Maya snaps

Lucas nearly falls out of his chair "sorry I was just thinking why don't we do the final project together. I hate my vocals and you have such a good voice" Maya blushed it's not often she gets complimented on her singing and to be complemented by Lucas of all people she did not expect it. "I can play the guitar and produce the track and you can do the vocals and write the song. Im sure miss Linn will go for it"

Maya thought about it "I mean we are already doing History together May as well, though you better pull your weight or I will make it a terrible song"

Lucas smiled "Great! ill go run it past Miss Linn"

They spend the rest of the class discussing ideas for what type of song they could do. Maya would never admit this but it is the most fun she has had in a class in a long time.

The confessions of Maya Hart  *A Girl Meets world fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now